Blog! I miss this!! haha! :)) It's been quite a while... So... I wanna talk and talk but I don't know where and how to begin! But anyways, the hell with intros! Let's do this before I fall asleep!
My summer 2011...How was it so far..? Well I just finished a 150 hours practicum in Food Service and I'm about to start a 200/250 hours practicum for Public Health Nutrition.. Sounds school-like?? Well... That's my whole summer is all about! School requirements..School works! Oh! I make it sound terrible right..? Hahaha!! Well.. Schooling is... not that nice... But somehow it is s good as perfect. Okay.. I'm not really talking about schooling here.. But I just did.. eh? Ako na magulo.. Lagi naman.... Anyways... As I was talking about my summer... At first I am really upset on not having a break.. But as I started the practicum for FSS at Sweet Inspirations... Somehow I realized that it is the most productive summer so far in my entire life! I've learned lots of things and I was somehow enlightened about what life really is... It's not easy to work... School is way better...! Yet how dare me complains about school works..? Okay.. Here we go again about school thingies... hahaha!! :)) I better stop this.
I wanna talk about other things... Lot's had happened on the first semester of the year 2011... And those things happened as fast as lightning... I didn't even had time to write about it... I slacked off and failed to update my diary... Haaay! And I just had this late hour to blog... This happens once in a blue moon... Sometimes I'm envious of those bloggers who can update their blog and writes pretty well... I don't know why but I think I suck at managing my time! I dunno.. it always runs out. But anyway its supposed to isn't it? So now I'm talking about time... :)) I love blogging... And since no one really reads my blogs I consider it as my online diary... But of course I'm still not sure if I want to tell everything about me in a blog that can be accessed by anyone... Right? or not...? Whatever.
So.. Shall I talk about the previous months... Yeah.. I think so.. Well.. The first half of 2011 had been a roller-coaster ride for my dear heart... Yeah.. it's always this poor heart of mine who was always affected about how things twist and turn... My month JANUARY was a blast of happiness but as Feb and March came... I don't know what had happened anymore.. Well not literally..You know.. Those kinds of events that you don't want to remember... You'll just say that you don't know how, what or why did it ever happened. Vague. What else? I said I'll talk about it but as I started to... I can't seem to. Oh crap! Now I'm lost. Hahaha! :))
Practically that's it... I can't force myself writing or talking about things that I don't want to. Haay! Wala na.. Tinamad na ulit ako. Hmmm... I just hope to have a meaningful practicum for PHN.