Today,the much awaited season 4 of The Vampire Diaries begins. Well, at least in theUS. I basically don't do this thing, like blog and talk about something thatgot my temporary attention… By that I mean… I don't do reviews. Okay, let meget it straight out for myself. By temporary I mean that it's all I'm in allthis past week because I'm re-watching all the past episodes. And when I saidall I mean ALL. And as I go back… I realized that I've been obsessed with itfor what seems like an eternity. I know, that's one hell of an exaggerated,cliché line… But I don't care because that’s exactly how I feel. I've beenwatching it ever since it started. And well, it's safe to say that I'm a bigfan of the series. The TV series… The one where Ian Somerhalder portrays therole of Damon Salvatore---my main reason for being hooked. I haven't read anyof the books… yet. But we'll get there. For now… I wanna explore my own side ofobsession.
I amso NOT into creepy thingies… The supernatural and the horror, creepy, freakystories/movies or whatever form they may take is a big NO, NO for me. I have avery wild imagination and stories tend to stay in my mind for quite too longand I prefer being alone so it doesn't necessarily good for me to stock up somecreeper inside my head. I was never fond of ghost stories… Not even Casper! Oranything creepy. Okay, I said that already. Geez! I don't really know where I'mheaded with this. HAHAHA!
So,how does my obsession for the series began?.. Well, let's go back 3 years ago…Back on our old house… See I'm not a TV person ever since I started college…Don't ask why.. No reason behind it.. I just feel like not watching. No bigdeal really. Anyways, my Paps on the other hand can't live without watching thetelevision. The PC's on the living room together with the TV set so basically Icatch a glimpse of some TV shows that my Paps watch every now and then. Thenone night I turn my head on the TV and saw a some kind of a trailer that has asong that nailed to my ears… So I watched the trailer… "Another vampirestory." I said as I'm watching it. Then the trailer ends with the title..."The Vampire Diaries" I was hypnotized by the song… So I've searchedfor it… Never Say Never by The Fray. And I thought it will end there. But I waswrong… It didn't end there. It started there.
Mybestfriend Maricar had given me a website where I can watch American TV showsfor free. And without me knowing it, I searched for "The VampireDiaries". Then the next thing I knew, I'm waiting for the next episodeevery week.
I'vesaid above that Ian Somerhalder is my main reason for being hooked in theseries. Well, it's not questionable is it?... HAHA. Okay, we'll get therelater. He's the main reason but he's not the first reason why I stick to thisseries… This series is one of the few things that make me believe that there'sno such a thing as love at first sight. I didn't like Damon at first. Well, Ifancied him a bit already but… At the beginning, I was so into Stefan andElena's love story… I loved how they love each other despite their differencesas vampire and human… I tend to hate Damon because he's ruining something thatis perfect.
But what is life without imperfections? Life is not supposed to be perfect... That's why Damon exists. Then as the story progressed, it was revealed that Damon is the good one. Well at least for me... He's beyond what he is. Trying to be the bad guy so that he can't be who he wanna be. Complicated. I know. And pity for him... I love complications.
Ian Somerhalder's hotness, sexiness and whole being is to die for. He's not someone to be resist. But he's not the only reason why I'm watching the show. Family, friendship and love... Moving on, forgetting, forgiving... Holding on to the right things. Fighting for what you believe is right and a whole lot more! The other hot casts is hella big consolations. And the epic lines/scripts... And the music. Everything's in sync for a perfect show!
Ain't that just epic? I don't know how to end a post like this... All I know is The Vampire Diaries is one hella hot thing.
Ain't that just epic? I don't know how to end a post like this... All I know is The Vampire Diaries is one hella hot thing.
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