Glitter Photos
Glitter Photos

Monday, November 29, 2010


1.rob us of our dignity.

2.destroy our self confidence.

3.increase our stress levels.

4.destroy our morale.

5.erode our self esteem.

6.foster negativity.

7.decrease productivity.

8.make life hellish.

9.are abusive.

10. are toxic because they can get away with it and it works for them.

 “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity”


credits to MS. MAE REYES. I don't personally know her but I got this from her wall post on my tito's FB.. :)


*Remember that you can't change them, but you can learn to cope with them. Here are some effective strategies to try. 

1. Always stand at eye level with the person you are confronting. Never have them standing over you looking down.
2. Respect the toxic person and always expect respect in return. Settle for nothing less.
3. Remain calm.
4. Listen attentively.
5. Don't argue or interrupt, just listen.
6. If the toxic person tries to verbally bully you, just say, " I
don't allow people to treat me this way."
7. Then slowly and calmly walk
9. Anger is sometimes a valid response.
10. If all else fails you might be left with only one option; to separate yourself from the toxic person in your life.

credits to MS. MAE REYES. I don't personally know her but I got this from her wall post on my tito's FB.. :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to put a pic in a post from my touchy..?

Hmmm... That's what I'm trying to find out... Hmm.. But this wifi connection sucks..! Well it's free... Theres no way to complain... :))

How to go on..?

Yikes! Ang drama naman ng title neto.. hahaha!!! :)) grrr...! I hate it!! I don't know how to finish my other blog.. You know... My gift to myself... Aiish!!! I gotta finish it before the end of this year..! Damn..! I don't know what's next anymore..! Tsssk.!

Time Flies

Oh my gosh!!! Next week is already the start of the last month of the year!!! ugh..! How can it be so soon..? >_< well.. I'm fascinated how last year is already a year ago... hahaha!!! :)) Christmas season is on..! :D The tradition planner of Starbucks is my tradition as well... So you can say that I'm currently broke..! hahaha!!! :)) Lost my allowance without noticing it... And that's pretty awful..! Plus the expenses I have in school... Okay.. How did I get there..? Damn..! I was talking about how fast time flies.. hahaha!!! :)) oh damn! I'm a really bad writer.. Pardon me.. But who cares..?? ahaha..! Anyways... I've got frustrated by the time passing so fast this morning... Actually that started last night... My paranoia about my next birthday... My gawwwd!!! I was really upset about it when I realized that I've got a month to go before my next birthday... And I haven't finished my promised gift to myself yet... That sucks pretty much as it soothes... Soothing in a way that there few more time left before I graduate college... It sucks because... I don't want to turn a year older..! Less excuse of being childish... Less excuse of playing and less excuse of being lazy..! ahahaha!! :)) haaay!!! I just don't want my birthday to come..! Maybe I'll die before January 2, 2011..?? But hell.!! I haven't enjoy life much yet..! So what to do?? What to do???

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Loving Touchy

Ahaha!!! :)) well touchy is my i.Touch :) That's his name... :)) hahaha!! I'm fond if giving the my things names.. :)) anyways.. I bought him November 2008... That's 2 years ago..! Yehey!! hahaha!!! You see I can blog and surf the net using him... It's so nice, convenient and cool! :) hahaha!!! :)) well.. That's all.. Gotta keep going cause I got a class.. Aiiish!!

Jam Packed LRT!!!

Okay... So I'm on my way to school... It's Wednesday... And ad usual..the train is full and the people are like dying to get inside the full train... As for me... I'm waiting for the skipped train... hahaha!!! Thankfully the class is canceled because of the Tapatan.. (oh well! You need to be a Scholastican for you to know what Tapatan is all about, I won't explain..sorry.) haha!! So anyways... Im here standing in the middle of irritated commuters... Haay!!! I wish the skipped train come soon..! My feet's aching already... Hahaha!!! If I'm gonna have a choice I won't ride this train everyday.. But obviously I don't have. Been riding this train for 3 years now to get to school... Haha!! Oh reminiscing...haha!! Boo!!! Im bored now... 

Waaaah!!! I'm inside the train right now..! Hell!!! This too much for a punishment.. :)) goodness! And I'm still blogging!? Weird.. What's with me now??? Ahaha!! :)) I wish to get out of here ASAP!! gosh!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 15, 2010 – Unforgettable Monday

Just finished bonding with my girl cousins... They’re more like a sister to me you know... But we barely have time to bond together... And I love it whenever time permits us to be together.. So supposed to be it’s just me and ate Cheska who’re suppose to go to get her watch from my bestfriend Rose Ann and chat over coffee... But on the last minute, ate Camille said that Sandie and her will come with us. So that’s the set-up. Then while we're on the way to Starbucks SM San Lazaro... Ate Camille said "Sayang wala si ate Meg". And ate Cheska said: "Eh umalis kasi siya kanina". Then ate Camille told ate Cheska to txt ate Meg... And right after we find a couch to settle down, ate Cheska txted ate Meg... Then after a short while, ate Meg came and we were complete! :) That's once in a blue moon thing.. hahaha!!!

Lot of funny things happened that day... First off.. I wanted to show them someone.. Well, I won't mention who he is.. SO I searched him on FB and just when I'm about to find him I had this crazy idea that I might put his name on my status instead of of on the search box... And just in a snap what I thought might happened happen for instance! I was so shock that I don't know what to do!! I typed his name on my sttus w/c asks the question: "What's on your mind?" The hell!! I almost ran to an internet cafe to be able to delete it! Thankfully touchy was reliable and I was able to delete that post... So that past and Rose Ann was still nowhere near the meeting place... It's already lunch time and ate Meg are bragging about eating... So since she's the one working among us it's her treat..! ahahaha!! So we ate at KFC... and then, a conversation went while we were eating... I didn't eat rice and the conversation centered about diet..ate Camille said: "Si Dang ang dietitian na hindi tama ang diet." The n I answered, "Bakit? Nakakita ka na ba ng karpinterong maganda ang bahay?" And our table were filled with laughter... hahha!! :)) I just got that from one of my prof.. haha!! Then after we ate lunch... Rose Ann finally came and the watch was brought... The time of parting came.. Ate Meg & I went off together because we both need to ride the LRT to our destination... And ate Camille, ate Cheska and Sandie bought Nanay some pasalubong...

I just hope we can do that more often... I'm in an all girls school and I'm so fed up with girls around me and their "kaartehan"...haha!! But with my cousins, my Ates... I enjoy being with them.. Maybe because I'm the "bunso" when I'm with them. hahaha!! :))

The first part of the best Monday ended... Now, another story came... While I'm on my way to school... Someone texted me.. And I was surprised on who it  was... My bestfriend Charlon! My first ever guy-best friend... I"ll just type our conversation here.. I was really in an awe when he texted me... And just as I always know... He have a a heart that only me can see.. :) And I love the  fact that I'm the one he chose to show it to... I love him. My best friend. 

Charlon: kmsta?
Danie: aus lng...bkt??..
Charlon: wla lng msma k b itxt
Danie: ndi nmn.. my cnabe aq?.. suplado!.. :P
Charlon: haha .. biro lng nman ay naalala m b ung bngay m sken dti
Danie: alin un???..
(but i already know what it is...)
Charlon: bsta ung sbitan .. Ung may partner ung prang bear nkita ko kc e nung nag linis ako ng rum ko pati ung mga picture andun p s b0x
Danie: c mshimaro?? akin nlng ulit please?? haha!! btw, i love ur car! ung pink..?
Charlon: d sken un s ate k un hnhram ko lng
Danie: o i c.., cute nga.. :)
Charlon: haha pati ung sulat m adun p e .. E nsan n ung sayo
Danie: uhmm..? di q alm eh.. hanapin q.. teka anu bng trip mo??
Charlon: anu anung trip ko?
Danie: wla.. bigla-bigla k kc nagtatanung eh... haha!!
Charlon: haha kla ko nman kung ano
Danie: kla mu anu?? ahaha!! teka nga.. may problema kb?? u nid my help on something?? spit it out.. ndi aq sanay ng ganyan ka eh..
Charlon: wla no .. n miss lng kta haha
Danie: yikes! ndi bgy sau!.. ahaha!! eh ikw?.. kmusta??
Charlon: aos lng nman
Danie: aah.. buti nmn...

I know i sounded mean or as if i don't care... But hey! I just really wanna know if he got a prob or something.. I mean.. seriously.. He's not usually like that! I'll admit it.. I know that I'm only his bestfriend when he needs something from me... ahaha!! I've known that for long.. But I wanna believe otherwise.. I believe people change.. But I... I know he can't be my typical best friend.. I mean.. You know... the best friend whom I can run into every time I want...The one whom I can tell everything to... He's not that... But he is my bestfriend. I can understand him... And I will understand him like nobody else can... I am his best friend. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

it's as if I care?

hahaha!!! boo!!! What's there to talk about??? Oooh!! There's a looot!!! But I don't think I can write it all here right now.. hahaha!!! :))

So what about now?.. Hmm.. Oh yeah! The feud ended yesterday... Yah know..? The feud between me and my co-ND.. Yanyan put an end on it... hahaha!!! :)) wondering why?.. Well.. Because I confronted her smartest friend Dianne! hahaha!!! :)) I won't go into details.. I don't want to talk about them..haha!! So yeah.. I told Dianne that I know every filthy words she'd spat out about me.. And I told her that AM told me things..haha!! Well I didn't intend to involve AM.. But she's really the one who told me things.. And the next thing I knew... They turned to AM and boomed her on FB & Twitter!! hahaha!! They were so mad at her. hahaha!!! I'm not laughing because I planned it.. I mean., really.. Believe me.. I didn't intend to get AM into that.. Hahaha!!! But hey! I just thought that I hit 2 birds with one stone... Well.. You know, AM did something unforgivable to me.. And I haven't really forgiven her... Maybe this is my unplanned revenge to her... Aha! Gosh! That was mean... But really.. I didn't plan that out! So back to yanyan.. She talked to me.. (just in FB chat) Said that everything AM told me was all in the past and blah blah.. They don't cate anymore..and that she's not expecting me to shift/transfer... That's as far as I can say.. So they think I care??? ahaha!! Eew.! Oh! And btw, dianne's term in what I did to her was "open up"... Ang bobo tlga.. Confrontation kya!! Friends Kame pra mag-open up xknia??! haha!! :)) so I guess that's all about it for now... :)

World Peace. But don't use the word friend please!.. It'll disgust me!! :D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Other Blogs :)

Oh! It's a holiday TUESDAY!!! But it doesn't seems to be.. >__< You know I've got this whole reporting going on for tomorrow... -__- 2 reports in one subject! gosh!!!

Anyways... I just wanna blog.. But there's nothing really good to talk about... And while I'm browsing my multiply account I suddenly browsed through my old blogs and tadaa...! I just wanna post it here..

And here's another one... My first ever blog! haha!! from Friendster..

That's my first blog and I don't intend to delete it.. Almost all that'd happened on my HS life was there.. haha! :)) Whew! So there! I was just reminiscing... :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

School is-not-so Cool

Back to school yesterday... It bores me much... Knowing that my two best friends are on a break! It makes me wanna take a break too.. Nah. Just kidding! hahaha!! :)) I wanna graduate on time.. And I'm kinda excited upon finishing school to take a break you know..? haha!! So that's a big no no.. I just hate groupings this sem.. I don't have anyone to group with dammit!! >_< whew!! But hey! There's a lot of things that I'm looking forward to you know.. Hmm.. Let's see... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the movie!!! Of course that's the first on the list...! Then the Starbucks 2011 planner! Then of course... Christmas and New Year!!! I'm not looking forward for my next bday btw. haha!!! I haven't even started the gift that I promised myself on my 18th bday.. So o don't wanna turn a year older without having it done.. So am gonna need to work it! A big GOOD LUCK to me! :D


My photo
CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez