Glitter Photos
Glitter Photos

Friday, December 31, 2010


Last night was one of my favorite night! haha!! :) Well it's just an extraordinary night visit to my favorite Starbucks at Intramuros with my two best friends.. Charlon and Rose Ann..

It all happened so fast.. An unplanned night out. Well.. I asked Rose Ann to accompany me visit Charlon.. We don't know his house and we walked and stood I guess for an hour or so.. Finally I decided to approach his mom and we sat with him inside the house.. Awkward moment.. You know.. we can't find something to talk about.. And it's been quite a while since we last saw each other... And he was surprised by our sudden visit.. He shows up smoking and I said "Magyoyosi ka ikaw lang" He was struck and asked "Bakit nagyoyosi nadin kayo?" Rose Ann said.. "Hindi. Sya lang." He said: "Aba!" haha!! :)) And  I said "Hindi noh." Rose Ann added: "Joke lang yun naniwala ka nmn."

So as silence filling us in.. Rose Ann suggested that it's better if we'll have a drinking session which I agreed upon in no time.. Then Charlon asked where and I asked him if we can drink there at their house he said: "Dito? Hindi pwede dito. Alis na lang tayo.." And negotiation begins.. He said he'll take a bath first and that we should go first while he does.. He said he'll follow us.. With a promise.. But knowing his promises I don't want to believe him.. And he borrowed his sister's car and told us that he'll just pick us up before he take us anywhere we wanna go.. So Rose Ann and I went back to my place first. We waited for him in no time.. The 30 mins that he gave was just enough.. He picked us up with that two-door pink car that I love. :)

When Rose and I got in the car.. Charlon suddenly said "Wag na lang tayong uminom.. Magstarbucks na lang ta'yo. Inuubo kasi ako eh." I was like "anu namang connect??" And he asked if Sbux San Lazaro is still open... I said yes but Rose Ann said "Sa ibang Starbucks naman" and Charlon agreed he said "Cge. Kayo san nio ba gusto?" I randomize SB branches and the first I come up was SB Bayview.. But I replace it with my favorite cozy place.. Starbucks Intramuros. Charlon asked if there is such..I said yes near Letran.. And so we're off! :) And while on our way he asked "Sa Binondo na lang? Nakapunta na b kau dun?" I said "Oo. Ako." And he said "Ay. Sige na nga Intramuros na." He don't quite believe that there is indeed an existing Starbucks there at Intramuros.. Hahaha!! :))) When we finally get there.. I asked if whether he wants to stay outside for us to be able to smoke he said "Hindi. Sa loob na lang tayo para malamig." And there.. We stayed there quite long.. I had my polaroid camera with me but the batteries are drained.. Then Charlon said he'll buy batteries for us to be able to use it.. As I think of it right now... I think he bought the batteries so he'll be able to smoke.. Ugh! He don't want me smoking.. Haha!!

When we were on our way home I asked him to drop Rose Ann at her house and he agreed in an instant. Got home at 12 am.. Haay! I never thought that the surprise visit will turn into a night road trip out! I enjoyed it a lot! Had so much fun! :D I just don't know if there's still be next time... :| But I hope so...

I missed him big time! haha! He became more matured.. And as I think about it.. He knows the right way of reprimanding me... Oh well! Even if its the right way.. No one can reprimand me for too long.. :)) He also knows how to give advice..

"Dapat bigayan. Hindi magtatagal ang friendship 'pag ganun. Dapat Forgive and Forget."

He told me that line... I love the fact that he thinks that way. I'm really grateful to have him as my best friend. He can do unexpected things... Sometimes it surprise me how I see him.. It's different from how other does... As I've said before.. He'll always stay as my best friend. Even if we barely talk or see each other. There will always be that essence of friendship to bind us.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Set of Quotes

Loving u feels like im living in a fantasy..i was so happy. But waking up to reality that u dont love me back, is like living in hell. 

i have enough drama with boys.. the least i want is drama from a friend. if you dont want me in your life, then i dont want u in mine.

Love is patient, Love is kind, My heart is his, His heart is mine. ♥

Years have passed without a simple hello.. Which deepens the hurt of the forgotten goodbye.

I like you but I have to act that I don't and that makes it pretty hard at times.

Don't feel special; didn't u know? He says that to every girl.

Why can't he realize i am hurting inside? Do i need to scream from the top of my lungs for him to hear me?

What I want? Simple... like.., I want US to Happen :) ♥

Can we Delete the things We Don't Want In our Brain? I hate that there's still YOU in there.

I wish i had the courage to show you, everything i wrote about you, so you can see this pain i hide & how much i really love you.

That's the problem with doing the right thing. Sometimes you do it on your own. -Aladdin

It's really pathetic how I keep trying to hold on to something that's not even mine.

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. - Homer Simpson

Love is like a thesis. you need patience & effort, money and time. It has chapters and revisions, but for you to prove it, u must defend it.

Dont feel bad about your mistakes.. just dont be stupid enough to do them again.

hating is for the  Weak; loving is for the  Strong. it takes more to love someone who  wronged  you, than it does to hate them.

i Only get Jealous because I Love You.. and i don't want anyone else to Have you. ♥

Where are you? i'm just a text away.. a phonecall away.. a tweet away.. a buzz away.. a facebook post away. wthell.. =( I miss you.

Some things are Not meant to be, but its not enough reason for you to stop from trying.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Quotes to Die For

Sometimes I wish I could just erase parts of my memory. Then when I sit and think about it.. Those things have made me who I am today.

I saw you, I wanted you, I got you, I liked you, I loved you, I lost you, I miss you.

Of course I like the whole single, party, fun thing. But sometimes, I wouldn't mind the whole cuddling, holding hands, I'm-his-girl thing.

I'm not even gonna get mad anymore. I'm just going to learn to expect the lowest out of the people I thought the highest of.

There's always some truth behind: Just kidding, Knowledge behind: I don't know, Emotion behind: I don't care & Pain behind: It's okay.

I know there’s something between us. Whatever that something is, I know it's there and I know he knows too.

I know a lot more than you think I know. I just keep it to myself to save the trouble of an argument.

The truth? I tried as hard as I could. I took as much as I could take. I put up with all I could. And it still wasn't enough.

I'm not a bitch. You just can't accept the fact that I stood up for myself.

Everytime I see you, my heart skips a beat. I wonder if you feel the same way.

I am strong enough to forgive you, but I'm not stupid enough to trust you.

If you think missing me is hard, you should try missing you.

The most painful & worst possible types of goodbyes, are the ones that are never said, or never even explained.

You caught me staring, but I caught you staring back.

I never stopped loving you. I just stopped showing it.

Don't judge me. I know about pain, I've done been through more shit than you can even relate to.

I wanna stay mad, because I don`t wanna be sad. And if I stop being mad, I'll forgive him..And I don't wanna do that.

No I don’t think you’re a jerk. I prefer degrading-son-of-a-bitch-who-needs-a-reality-check.

When I say I don’t care, chances are I care too much.

It’s tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it’s even tougher when you have to pretend that you don’t mind.

I love you. You drive me crazy when you try not to. You make me laugh when I feel like I'm going to fall apart. You're the only one I want.

Everytime I think I am finally getting over you, it is like you know it, and then have to pop back into my life again so I can't forget.

You have no idea how much I like you, how much you make me smile, how much I love talking to you, or how much I wish you were mine.

Just because we're not close anymore, doesn't mean I don't care about you.

I'm fake because I'm always smiling. I'm a bitch because I don't deal with your bullshit. I'm a liar because I don't tell you everything. I'm self centered because I am happy with who I am. I'm rude because I don't bow down to you. I'm annoying because I'd rather be be alone than be with people. I'm a loser because I don't fit in with your friends. I'm weird because I don't dress the way you do. I'm naive because I'm younger than you. I'm ugly because I don't look like a barbie. Don't try to tell me who I am. Because I already know. :)

They all know and even though I'm embarrassed, I can't help but smile when they all say "you love him".

I am not the kind of girl that thinks a guy is the answer to everything...I'm just tired of being alone.

Don't you hate it when you cry over things you can't have? When you were a little girl it was that special toy. Now, it's that special boy.

I stopped showing what I really feel even if you still mean the world to me..because I realized you’re not worth the fight anymore.

Someday, you'll realize how much you cared about her and how amazing she was. But, she'll already be with the guy who always knew.

The hardest thing to do is watch someone you love, love someone else.

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.

We both know life is too short. Too short to waste a single second with anyone who doesn’t appreciate and value you.

Even after saying a million times that I am over him, I find myself wondering if I really am.

I can't really tell if you are really flirting with me, or just being extra friendly.

It's not even the fact that you're not mine. It's the fact that you led me on for all that time.

When you're feeling lonely, look up at the moon. Somewhere, someone is staring at the same moon, feeling lonely too.

When you finally get something good, enjoy it. Don't go on trying to get something "better".

Life is about chasing after the things you truly think are worth it. Even if they don't happen.

Take nothing but photos. Leave nothing but footprints. And kill nothing but time.

My prince charming is on his way, he's stuck on traffic.

I hate the fact that you say you miss me, but you do nothing about it.

Maybe the best thing to do is to stop trying to figure out where you're going and just enjoy where you're at.

You are the only person that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

All this time I was wasting, hoping you would come around. I've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down.

As long as I still feel something, it's not over. And believe me, sometimes I wish it was. But it's not. I can feel it.

After a while, you just want to be with the person who never fails to make you smile.

I'm the girl your ex will hate, the girl your mom will love, and the girl you'll want to be with forever.

Sometimes I look at u & u look back at me but then u look away, like you're afraid of what might happen if u stare for just a 2nd longer.

Yeah, I'm over you. But I still have you on my msn list and I still smile when you sign on.

There isn't an hour that goes by, close to a minute, without the thought of you somewhere in it.

I've finally figured it out. You're avoiding me because you can't face it. You like me and it scares you doesn't it?

I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere!

A million words wouldn't bring you back. I know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears. I know because I've cried.

When I grow up, I want a son first, then a daughter, So my son would beat up any boy that makes my little girl cry.

People say you don't know what you've got until it's gone...truth is, you knew what you had, you just thought you'd never lose it.

Right now, someone you haven't met is out there wondering, what it would be like to meet someone like you.

You said "I`ll never hurt you, I`ll never make you cry" I must admit darling, you told the perfect lie.

I want to be the girl he is up all night thinking about & the girl that he’s telling his guys about saying, “I think I love her.”

My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it's surprising how often they head in your direction.

If everything happened when and how we wanted it to, nothing would be worth waiting for.

I want him to come up behind me & wrap his arms around my waist, to catch me off guard & whisper "I love you."

Every time I trust somebody, they show me why I shouldn't.

I guess when it comes down to it, i`m grateful for feeling pain. If it wasn't for the hurting, i would never have grown stronger.

I'll always love you, but that doesn't mean you can take my heart for granted.

Nothing hurts more than realizing you meant everything to me, but I meant nothing to you.

It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.

I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day & how I was able to tell you everything that was on my mind. I miss our conversations.

Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask.

Don't ever think you're nothing because somewhere along the line, there's going to be someone who thinks you're everything.

The habit of staring at someone can lead to either two serious consequences: Intense addiction with paranoia and falling in love.

Mistakes occur and that’s life. But repeating the same mistake over and over again? That’s stupidity.

God placed our heads above our hearts so that we can think over what we feel.

I know we’re good friends but you mean a little more than that to me.

It really sucks not being able to trust your best friends. And losing a best friend is harder, but sometimes it's what you have to do.

I wish you weren't in my dreams. Then again, I'd need something to dream about.

I am who I am and your approval isn't needed.

I'm scared. Completely terrified actually. Scared of what will happen if I see you again & scared of what will happen if I don't.

It kills me to know you're online but won't talk to me. I realize I don't mean anything to you anymore & maybe I never really did.

Don't be scared if a fat guy in a red suit comes into your room at night & throws you in a bag. I told Santa that i wanted you 4 Christmas.

It scares me how easily everyone can move on so fast. How what once meant so much, can be forgotten like it meant nothing.

The scariest thing about memories is thinking you're going to forget about them.

You know why it's hard to be happy? It's because we refuse to let go of the things that make us sad.

Stop with the bullshit. If you want to be my friend, be it. If you don't, goodbye. It's as simple as that.

Just because we don't talk as much doesn't make me not care. You're always on my mind.

Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell? Due to the fact that we could have something that'll never happen.

It's so hard to want something so much, and knowing you can't have it just makes you want it more. Yeah.That's how I am with you.

We just have to accept the fact that people are going to stay in our hearts even if they don’t stay in our lives.

It's not what I feel for you, It's what I don't feel for anyone BUT you.

& here's the honest truth -> i'm still in love with you

The hardest thing to do in life is pretend you don't love someone when you do.

I believe in second chances. I just don't think everyone deserves them.

Feelings change, memories don't.

Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts.

A heartbreak isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding. Sometimes, it's like a feather falling, & the only person who can hear it is you.

One day, your name just didn't make me smile anymore.

Dear best friend, Remember the times we stayed up crying and all those laughs we shared and we never let a boy get us down, remember how we would neverargue over the silly things; look at us now. Sad how distance tore us apart. It’s sad how we barely talk anymore, it’s sad that I’m that the only one who seems tocare.

Just because we don't say certain things...doesn't mean that we don't feel them.


My photo
CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez