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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Set of Quotes

Loving u feels like im living in a fantasy..i was so happy. But waking up to reality that u dont love me back, is like living in hell. 

i have enough drama with boys.. the least i want is drama from a friend. if you dont want me in your life, then i dont want u in mine.

Love is patient, Love is kind, My heart is his, His heart is mine. ♥

Years have passed without a simple hello.. Which deepens the hurt of the forgotten goodbye.

I like you but I have to act that I don't and that makes it pretty hard at times.

Don't feel special; didn't u know? He says that to every girl.

Why can't he realize i am hurting inside? Do i need to scream from the top of my lungs for him to hear me?

What I want? Simple... like.., I want US to Happen :) ♥

Can we Delete the things We Don't Want In our Brain? I hate that there's still YOU in there.

I wish i had the courage to show you, everything i wrote about you, so you can see this pain i hide & how much i really love you.

That's the problem with doing the right thing. Sometimes you do it on your own. -Aladdin

It's really pathetic how I keep trying to hold on to something that's not even mine.

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. - Homer Simpson

Love is like a thesis. you need patience & effort, money and time. It has chapters and revisions, but for you to prove it, u must defend it.

Dont feel bad about your mistakes.. just dont be stupid enough to do them again.

hating is for the  Weak; loving is for the  Strong. it takes more to love someone who  wronged  you, than it does to hate them.

i Only get Jealous because I Love You.. and i don't want anyone else to Have you. ♥

Where are you? i'm just a text away.. a phonecall away.. a tweet away.. a buzz away.. a facebook post away. wthell.. =( I miss you.

Some things are Not meant to be, but its not enough reason for you to stop from trying.

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CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez