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Thursday, October 11, 2012

TVD Hype!

Today,the much awaited season 4 of The Vampire Diaries begins. Well, at least in theUS. I basically don't do this thing, like blog and talk about something thatgot my temporary attention… By that I mean… I don't do reviews. Okay, let meget it straight out for myself. By temporary I mean that it's all I'm in allthis past week because I'm re-watching all the past episodes. And when I saidall I mean ALL. And as I go back… I realized that I've been obsessed with itfor what seems like an eternity. I know, that's one hell of an exaggerated,cliché line… But I don't care because that’s exactly how I feel. I've beenwatching it ever since it started. And well, it's safe to say that I'm a bigfan of the series. The TV series… The one where Ian Somerhalder portrays therole of Damon Salvatore---my main reason for being hooked. I haven't read anyof the books… yet. But we'll get there. For now… I wanna explore my own side ofobsession. 

I amso NOT into creepy thingies… The supernatural and the horror, creepy, freakystories/movies or whatever form they may take is a big NO, NO for me. I have avery wild imagination and stories tend to stay in my mind for quite too longand I prefer being alone so it doesn't necessarily good for me to stock up somecreeper inside my head. I was never fond of ghost stories… Not even Casper! Oranything creepy. Okay, I said that already. Geez! I don't really know where I'mheaded with this. HAHAHA!

So,how does my obsession for the series began?.. Well, let's go back 3 years ago…Back on our old house… See I'm not a TV person ever since I started college…Don't ask why.. No reason behind it.. I just feel like not watching. No bigdeal really. Anyways, my Paps on the other hand can't live without watching thetelevision. The PC's on the living room together with the TV set so basically Icatch a glimpse of some TV shows that my Paps watch every now and then. Thenone night I turn my head on the TV and saw a some kind of a trailer that has asong that nailed to my ears… So I watched the trailer… "Another vampirestory." I said as I'm watching it. Then the trailer ends with the title..."The Vampire Diaries" I was hypnotized by the song… So I've searchedfor it… Never Say Never by The Fray. And I thought it will end there. But I waswrong… It didn't end there. It started there.

Mybestfriend Maricar had given me a website where I can watch American TV showsfor free. And without me knowing it, I searched for "The VampireDiaries". Then the next thing I knew, I'm waiting for the next episodeevery week.

I'vesaid above that Ian Somerhalder is my main reason for being hooked in theseries. Well, it's not questionable is it?... HAHA. Okay, we'll get therelater. He's the main reason but he's not the first reason why I stick to thisseries… This series is one of the few things that make me believe that there'sno such a thing as love at first sight. I didn't like Damon at first. Well, Ifancied him a bit already but… At the beginning, I was so into Stefan andElena's love story… I loved how they love each other despite their differencesas vampire and human… I tend to hate Damon because he's ruining something thatis perfect.

But what is life without imperfections? Life is not supposed to be perfect... That's why Damon exists. Then as the story progressed, it was revealed that Damon is the good one. Well at least for me... He's beyond what he is. Trying to be the bad guy so that he can't be who he wanna be. Complicated. I know. And pity for him... I love complications.

Ian Somerhalder's hotness, sexiness and whole being is to die for. He's not someone to be resist. But he's not the only reason why I'm watching the show. Family, friendship and love... Moving on, forgetting, forgiving... Holding on to the right things. Fighting for what you believe is right and a whole lot more! The other hot casts is hella big consolations. And the epic lines/scripts... And the music. Everything's in sync for a perfect show!

Ain't that just epic? I don't know how to end a post like this... All I know is The Vampire Diaries is one hella hot thing.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Weekend of Firsts

SEPTEMBER 22, 2012

I flew away from home to get to Cebu… And I brought along with me my best friend Rose Ann. It's a long story why we ended up together instead of me going with some other friend of mine. It was one hell of a weekend getaway! It's my first time to travel by plane on my own… It's my lovebabe's first time to ride on a plane… And it's our first time to be in Cebu. So yeah… Technically that's how it became a weekend of firsts!

We had the most organized, self-planned itinerary! Yup, take all the sarcasm in that statement. Two days before the scheduled flight I asked my bhezzt lovebabe to come for an adventure in Cebu and she said she's game for it… I never thought we'll survived it. We searched all the cheapest hotels, tour guides, agencies  and beach resorts that can accommodate us for a short notice… Fortunately we found them… It was a little bit hassle on our part though... But we got over that.

Our flight took only about an hour or so… Ewan ko ba, kas-kasero yata yung piloto eh! HAHAHAHA!.. Oh yeah, there was a little incident before the plane took off… Well you see, I'm always excited to board a plane… I love seeing the clouds on the windows and admire them closely with my dreamy eyes… And every time I board a plane I always make sure that I'm sited on the WINDOW SEAT. Doesn't matter whether left or right, so as long as ITS WINDOW SEAT. Yes, that's how much I love the clouds… I love feeling close to them… So anyways, I was beyond disappointed when I reached our seat number and there was an old woman (well, not so old) sitting on my seat! Gaahd! But hey, I did held my temper… I might be a brat, but I'm the nicest brat there is… So yeah, I asked her nicely and she said that she's just waiting for me to ask her to exchange seats with her… I was like: "OH PLEASE! YOU KNOW YOUR SEAT NUMBER AND YOU SAT ON THE WRONG ONE THEN YOU'RE WAITING FOR ME TO ASK YOU?!.. WADAHELL.." *just in my thought* Nakakaloka naman kasi. Anyways… That incident reminded me a line from one of the best movie's I'd watched when I was in HS: "Sometimes, you gotta take what's yours" (Coach Carter). But I won't discuss it because we'll get out of line. In the end I got my window seat. ^_^v

Lobby/Cafe area of Fuente Oro Business Suites
My bhezzt lovebabe doing something on my phone while we're hanging out at the lobby.
That's moi... Waiting for my love.
So, our first day was spent in the four corners of our room. We arrived at the airport and we rented a car that brought us to our hotel for our first night… We spent our first night at Fuente Oro Business Suites, but that wasn't our originally booked place… Our contact person just called before we board the plane to Cebu to tell us that they overlooked our reservation and they wouldn't have a room for us, but before I freak out on the phone, he suddenly added that they have reserved a room for us in another hotel… So they still did accommodate us perfectly… At least for me, freaking out over the phone is not my thing naman but I did panic though. So, yeah… We roam for a bit outside after settling in our suite… It's kinda freaky… I mean, not in a negative way but… I just felt I'm a foreign in my own country. HAHA! I dunno it just felt weird. Yeah, it was just me.

My heavenly love mini Macarons!
After checking out what's outside our suites we came back and stayed at the hotel's lobby which turned out to be a coffee shop… It was a coffee shop that offers cupcakes and *drum roll* MACARONS! And that suddenly made my stay in Cebu a perfect one! HAHAHA! It's so awesome! I just felt that there will be macarons at Cebu while I was on the plane and I never really thought that there'll be… Oh, my connection with macarons… It's magic!

I fell asleep after taking a bath… That was probably around 9 in the evening… I don't know what's with me… That was a first in a long time… Here in Manila my earliest sleeping time is 12AM! And I drank coffee for Pete's sake! Usually I don't sleep for the entire night when I had my coffee fill… Probably it's the macaron..? But I doubt, my bhezzt lovebabe stayed up all night! She ate macarons din naman… So I dunno.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2012

FREE BREAKFAST! I love a decent breakfast! And Fuente Oro provided us one… But we woke up late.. Past 8 AM I guess..? And yes, it's late for me! I don't know what happened with my body clock when I was there in Cebu.

Jump shot at the Beach Front. 
Under the Sea!

Anyways, as planned we decided to spent our second day at the beach! From Cebu City, we took a cab to get to Mactan Island and visit Cebu White Sands at Maribago Beach. We avail their day tour escapade with free buffet lunch.. It is another first for me.. Not at the beach, but 'twas my first time beaching in September! Then my bhezzt lovebabe made some negotiation with 3 Cebuanos to take us in the middle of the sea and snorkel our way through to see the hidden floor of the sea. Snorkeling was first for the both of us as well…

We found NEMO! 

Some scuba divers... We'll try that in the near future. LOL

Freshly dived sea urchin.

Then our companion offered us to buy and taste sea urchin. And we did. It was our first time to try eating an unni (that's what its called, the sea urchin as a food is called 'unni') Do your research about it or try it out for yourself… For me it tastes like crab/shrimp + the texture of oysters all round up in one! It's deliciously good and you have to eat it fresh!

On the way back to resort.

We took our lunch after our little snorkeling adventure and then we dipped on the resort's pool. After having our moment, we packed up and took our private cab (as if you'll get a public one? LOL.) to get to our second suite… From Mactan Island, we travel back to Cebu City to get to Gran Tierra Suites… We checked-in and settle down… Don't ask me how long did our travelling time last because I was sleeping. I felt so effin' exhausted when we get to our room. And just as when we're planning to leave the suite to have a little sky adventure, the rain suddenly poured down heavily! We both thought we won't be able to do what we had planned that night.. Fortunately, my rain gave way for our little night adventure…

The place where we dine and munch our awesome lunch.

A chef in action. HAHA!Seriously, I'm not into food blogging.

A night of firsts… We went to Crown Regency Hotel & Towers and we tried and experienced their Sky Experience Adventure. We first tried the Edge Coaster, that bores me.. HAHA. Well, basically you'll just sit in a coaster which has a tiltable seat that goes around the edge of the building. The view is quite breath taking anyway, you can see the whole city from almost 430 ft above.. I guess that's your consolation. Then we went down a floor and took the Sky Walk Extreme where we stayed almost, more or less 30 minutes at 400 ft above the ground! Talk about being high eh?.. It was fun mainly because of our companions, specially the funny tour guide (well I don't exactly know if he's a tour guide but… let's just call him that.) he's an entertainer! Gaahd! You always laugh when he speaks.. Then he's super makwela and makulet. The most epic thing that he did was when he pretended to slipped right on the edge of the platform where we stand! He was funny indeed. I think I said that quite enough huh?.. Well yeah, he is epicly funny. After having our fill for height adventures, we went back to our suites. The end of our second day.

September 24, 2012

BREAKFAST IN BED. Kewl… haha! We ordered our breakfast the night before and we had it delivered in our room. We got our third and last day packed up with an 8-hour City Tour. We were picked up by our private tour guide/driver with our private car right in front of Gran Tierra Suites. Hahaha. Seriously, it is exclusively and privately for the two of us. I wanna share and put the deets here but… I forgot his name, I lost the business/contact card. But I'm sure my bhezzt lovebabe has them, so maybe I'll ask her. :P

First stop is the Taoist Temple… I felt like I'm the priestess of Suzaku. HAHAHA! I wasn't in the mood to pose for picture that day.. Then later I realized that its Monday. Seriously, I have issues with Monday Madness. Hahaha!

Me as the Priestess of Suzaku.

Our next stop was Museo Sugbo, the place has quite a rich history, it was formerly known as Carcel de Cebu and it used to be the Cebu City Jail and Cebu Provincial Detention & Rehabilitation Center. Museums is one of my favorite places when I was a kid… I have a personal attachment to history… Well, I don't ace in the subject… I hate memorizing dates and such, my point is I love museums! Hahaha! I always get out of the topic… My random thoughts are killing me! Blah. Yeah, so I just love looking at old artifacts and the like… What would it be like to live in those old golden times? Its fascinating. Museums are my personal time machine… Though sometimes, I felt like they just invented the infos and all… But still, it fascinates me… The rich history of my country… It has been told by different people from different places but for me, it’s a great deal to pay attention to it mainly because this is where I came from. It's nice to go back and revisit the past once in a while. Relive the moments and learn from them so as to refresh and look at where you are right now. Appreciate the past to be able to appreciate the present.

SAGING ni ROSE ANN. haha!Detachable hands of statues made of ivory.

At one of the Alleys.

come one, come all!

Right after time travelling, we took our lunch at Joven's Grill & Seafood. It was a lunch buffet and I must say it's quite a battle field. HAHAHA. Their foods taste awesome and superb. I'm sorry I'm not a food blogger so I guess I won't be able to give justice upon describing their menu… So, just try it out for yourself! *wink* They have variety of foods to choose from and for a buffet, they're quite affordable.

After a filling lunch, our awesome tour guide brought us to the Pari-an District of Cebu City. According to him, it used to be the center of trading system in Cebu waaaay back a long time a go. At the middle of the district there came a stone statues of replicas that represents everything about Cebu (A big cross, the Galleon, Magellan, sinulog festival, etcetera, etcetera!) The architect daw of that big piece o' art was the same as the one who designed the EDSA Shrine. We're suppose to go there first but my bhezzt lovebabe saw a bus that stops by with a hella number of people and since she wanna have a private photo opt, she insist to drop by first at the infamous Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House. Well, it's kinda cliché. I mean its an ancestral house so by that you'll know that its old… But the thing is… It is considered to be one of the oldest existing residential structure in the country. Wow. Just wow. HAHAHA. Well, according to the care taker, the house was still 95% (if I'm not mistaken by the number… Basta its between 90 and 100 so yeah. HAHA!) at its original state and materials. And according to that kuya as well, the owner still sleeps there over the weekend because they don't want to abandon the house. It's kinda… Creepy. Well, of course it is creepy inside that old house… After all, its full of things, old things to be exact, that has been passed on from one generation to the next… Who knows what histories those thingies have?.. *roll eyes*
the bed
the rocking chair

So after creeping ourselves out, we got out of the house and explore the stone statues… And had a photo opt. LOL. Then we went to see the famous Magellan's Cross and Church and Convent of Sto. Niño. After an intimate moment with God and feeding our soul we went shopping for a little something. Then head to Fort San Pedro, I don't know what it was… Well, it's like Fort Santiago… But I'm not really sure.. HAHAHA! There wasn't any tour guide to discuss it anyway… We just had another bunch of photo opt there. That was the last stop of our Cebu City Tour… We then headed to Mactan Island. And mind you, the traffic was tedious… Good thing our private car has comfortable seats and good AC. Hay! Screw traffic!

Magellan's Cross

Our first stop in Mactan Island was the Plantation Bay Resort & Spa. It wasn't part of the package… But our private tour guide/driver dropped us there nonetheless… I forgot his reason but he brought us there anyway, so… Yeah. The place was BEAUTIFUL. Their rates are quite expensive though.. But hey, it's quite worthy. As in… It's such a beautiful place. Need I emphasize more..? Well ok... The thing is... It's a paradise. Undescribably beautiful place!

After indulging in the beautiful view around Plantation Bay, we stopped by at Alegre Guitars…. It was one of the a very few moment that I regret not being in love with the instrument. Every piece was preciously gorgeous… Maybe if I just know how to play guitars… Then maybe… Just maybe, I'll appreciate the place more. The manong there told us that it takes 5 years for the woods to dry up! Such a long time huh..? Tsk. Nakakainip. HAHAHA. Oh! They export around the world by the way. And that manong strummed us a song. So sweet! I adore people who plays guitar. :") I love music! That's why I love people who makes music.

Cello? not sure though.

the pink one's MINE.

Our final stop for our Twin City Tour was the Mactan Shrine?.. I guess. Well, I don't know what its called! Or I forgot rather. HAHAHA. It was were the great Lapulapu (not the fish please!) killed Magellan… An unfair fight if might say… Magellan's troupe was outnumbered by Lapulapu's. But anyway, I guess the story of this fight was somehow a proof that, we Filipinos know how to protect and cherish what belongs to us. It somehow makes me proud to stand up with or against any other nations. ^_^

That how our weekend went. Mind you, when we board the plane bck to Manila… My bhezzt lovebabe was struck by what do they call it..? Love at FIRST sight. HAHAHAHA. I won't give deets. Ciao!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye A

"Be mindful of what you toss away, be careful what you throw away, and think hard before walking away."

I saw that quote while browsing and suddenly I thought of that friend of mine who's been MIA in my life for quite sometimes now... Well, she's always been like that... Distant. Full of excuses. Problem bearer. But no.. I don't hate her for being like that. She used to be one of my best friends.. And I loved her for who she WAS.

As time goes by... we barely see each other... and there's something inside me that felt like she doesn't really care whether we'll see each other again.
Hindi naman sa tinatapon ko na yung friendship namen... Yes I'll admit I got fed up. Pero sino ba naman kasi ang hindi magsasawa.. Lagi na lang ako yung nag-e-effort para makasama sya... Oo naiintindihan ko naman na busy na sya ngayon... Ibang level na yung pagkabusy niya.. kasi nga.. She has her own family now.. but then again, ever since nmn ganun na sya...

Haha! This post is long overdue... Probably started it a month ago or so?.. Anyways let's continue this since I'm kinda bummed.

I don't really know why I'm still writing/typing this... Let's just say na farewell gift? Oh diba? hanggang sa huli bongga padin sya... Sya yata unang ginawan ko ng ganito.. Farewell na may gift pa?.. Psh. Labo. O sige na nga.. Magsimula tayo sa simula.. (alangan naman sa huli?..) EH adik ka pala.. The end na kaya yung start.. Mas magandang i-explain diba? (Ewan ko! Bilisan mu na.. Mamayang konti tatamarin nnmn ako.) Bulsheeze! Baby Wappy this is all your effin fault!!! What's happening to me?!.. Aiish! (TagLishGul ang post! Taray! Hahaha!!) Ay putakte! Mamaya kana mag side comment dyan! Buset! (same to you) F!ck off! (Chill men, you didn't graduated from an exclusive school to cuss around everytime you feel like to!) UWAAAAHH! Please get off m'head! Just stop! Or better yet, I'll make a new post and dun tayo magsagutan!! Bet mo?! (Hinahamon mo ba ko?! Easy ka lng atey, sige na tapusin mo na 'to. Go!)

Once upon a time, six long years ago, there were four girls who met each other in their school... Four girls who came together because they have no choice but to be together.. (Skip the fairy tale blah blah just get right back to the point.) You seriously pissing me off! (Oh! it's my pleasure honey.) Just quit it!

Hay! Wala na ko sa mood. Basta CARD'z yung kinukwento ko kanina... We came a long way... Ako yung D if it isn't f!ckgn obvious. So ayun, lagi ko naman sinasabi na sila yung naging the best barkada ko.. NAGING.. Past part.. Kasi para sakin 4 kame.. Eh since wla nga yung balahurang tinutukoy ko dito sa post na 'to eh wala nang CARD'z para saken.. Oo nagkakasama padin kaming tatlo.. Pero 3 lang yun.. Kulang.. Hindi buo. Ewan ko.. I might sound so mean as always.. Lagi naman ako nami-miss-interpret.. Di na bago yun. Hindi ko naman sinasabing napakalaking part ng A nayan sa CARD'z.. Eh kahit kaya wala sya CRD'z padin ang basa.. MOUHAHAHAHA!! Pero di ko din sinasabi na hindi sya kawalan.. Kasi nga as I've said wala nang CARD'z para saken... Magulo ba..? Eh sadyang ganun... Wala namang maayos sa buhay e.. Diba nga "life is complicated" daw.. Pag maayos yan isa lang ibig sabihin nun... Wala ka nang buhay! HAHAHAHA!!

But kidding aside... Nalulungkot ako... Sa kanilang tatlo kasi.. Si A nmn tlga yung ka-close ko... Si C at si R (comfort room.. Wahahahaha..!) tongueina nag-eemote ako dibaaaa?! Kidding aside na nga eeh! (Ooopsie doopsie! My bad! Carry on.. Wag mokong pansinin...) si C at si R matagal nang mag kaibigan yan... Well, kami din nmn ni R.. Pero kasi mas malalim yata yung sa kanila.. Kaya un nga mas close ako kay A.. Eh tapos nawala bigla ang bruha! Hindi namin sya nakasabay grumaduate ng HS... Dun pa lang ang sama-sama na ng loob ko sa kanya.. Iniwan nia ko.. Pero I didn't give her up.. Pinuntahan pa namen sya nun eh.. Sya nga lang ang nagkaron ng surprise birthday thing saming apat eh! Hindi ako nagkwe-kwenta or nanunumbat.. Nagkwe-kwento lang ako... Wala sa bokabularyo ko ang manumbat. Pag nakikita naman namin sya lagi namang nawawala ulit..alam niyo yung all of a sudden wla na kaming contact sa kanya.. Ni Hindi namen alam kung buhay pa ba sya or what.. Tapos magpaparamdam nlng bigla at kukunin na kameng Ninang ng anak niya! Siya naman talaga yung pinaka matured samen... And sa kabila nung mga namiss niyang moments with us.. Tinanggap padin namen sya.. Kahit na alam kong one day she'll go away again... And taadaa! That day comes... We totally don't have any idea where she is now... Piña check namen sa classmate namen nung HS yung house nila.. Sabi samen parang wala na daw nakatira... "ABSENCE makes the heart grow fonder... But too much of it can make the heart forget." Pag sinabi kong na-mi-miss ko yung isang tao.. Gagawa at gagawa ako ng paraan para makita o makausap man lang sya.. Siguro nga I can't expect the same from others... May kanya-kanya tayong coping mechanisms eh... Pero, ano ba naman yung pagpapaalam diba?... Ok fine.. I get it, she hates goodbye. I do too. But I rather hear the word goodbye than be left out hanging without knowing whether to wait, expect or give-up. Mahirap mamimili kapag walang pinagpipilian... Kung tatanungin niyo ko kung nami-miss ko siya.. The answer is No. Kasi kung nami-miss ko sya pinuntahan ko na yung bahay nila.. May balita sana ako sa kanya.. I have all the means to find out where she is... But I chose not to. Ayoko na eh. Nakakapagod.. Nakakasawa. You guys might think na sobrang OA ko naman.. Eh pakialam ko ba sa iniisip niyo? Pag kaibigan ko kasi... Gusto ko lifetime kaibigan ko sya... Kaya nga konti lang yung tinatawag kong kaibigan eh.. Oo ganun kalalim ang salitang "kaibigan" sakin. yung tipong pang habambuhay... Pero Hindi nmn till death do us part ha! Kasal..?! Haha!! Wag ka! Kaibigan pa Lang yun... Eh diba nga as I've said she used to be one of my best friends. Mas malalim yun. But I get her point she don't want me to be a part of her life anymore... That's why she left without saying goodbye.. Fine.. I'm wicked... I'm concluding without knowing the reason why... Bullshit! Nakakasawa na ngang alamin eh! Besides, Kung ayaw nia na saken.. Hello??!!! Mas ayaw ko na sa kanya! Hmp! Ako na bipolar diba?!.. Whatever... Anyways.. Buti na nga lang meron pa kaming dalawang kaibigan.. Siyempre the two of them has their sides din and I can't force them to let go and forget A like I'm doing... Syempre best friend din nila yung babaita na yun.. So bahala sila.. Haha!!

Masyado bang big deal 'tong buhay ng barkada na 'to..? Eh ganun talaga... Unique kame eh... Pero sa part ko... Ang nakapagpatagal sakin sa CARD'z ay yung sinabi ng mentor namin sa CARD na binigay nia.. Well I forgot the exact word but it goes like: "I challenge you to make this friendship lasts a lifetime." eh ayun..nung nabasa ko yun parang naisip ko na ang sarap lang kasi ng feeling na may kaibigan kang matagal.. Sobrang tagal na para na kayong magkapatid.. Naaalala ko pa nung bata ako... May picture si mama with her group of friends.. All girls.. Madami sila.. Friendly talaga yung nanay ko eh.. One thing na di ko namana.. Haha! Then i asked my mama who and where are the people on that picture with her.. Sabi nia hindi ko daw kilala yung mga yun.. Friends nia daw nung high school sya.. Barkada daw sila e.. Pero wala na syang balita.. Nalunkot ako nun eh.. Sabi ko gusto ko pag nagkoaron ako ng barkada di kame mawawalan ng balita sa isa't-isa.. So nung nabasa ko yung challenge ni dhad, I said to my self: "I'll take that challenge." But then again I was sixteen then.. Young, naive and foolish... HAHAHAHA!!

Anaknampitumputpitongputingtupa naman yan oo! Di ko pa nga napa-publish at natatapos tong post na 'to eh biglaan naman sya nagparamdam! May new acct sya sa FB! At ayun si ate.. Inadd ako at may kasama pang message na "belated happy anniversary!! :) miss you bhezst's" f!ck that men! Ay ewan bahala sya sa buhay nia... Pero it's so creepy.. Just when I'm about to post it bigla-bigla may friend request ako from her?! Psh. Anu yun..? Na feel nia??! Sheeze! Once I publish it there's no more backing out.. I hate taking back my words! Aiish! But for the sake of all that's holy... Fine. I won't forget her and all... I just won't be so attached with her anymore... Hindi ko na sya best friend eh! Hmp!

Isip bata, bipolar, multiple personality disorder.. Oo na, ako na lahat yan... Pero may pinanggagalingan nmn lahat yan... I'm so done making the first move to find or talk to her... I'm so done being her best friend... I'm so done thinking about her state of being.. I'm so done caring about her! I'm so done with her. And for the last time... This is the best quote for her: "if you want it you'll find a way, if not you'll find an excuse." goodbye A... I can no longer tolerate you... Thanks for the memories anyway.. Oh yeah.. You need not to worry... I know my responsibilities as Wayne's godmother. It's all up to you.


I'm the most boring person alive! Oh gee! This'll be a random post.. Why?... Cause I just felt like it! Aiish! I'm so pissed.. Was planning to catch up on my fave TV series.. But for Pete's sake! The video keeps buffering every now and then! It's been an hour already! Holy sheez!

So? How's my life??.. Well... I'm kinda bored with it. I'm such a lazy brat.. Actually it took me forever to make a blog... Though I can grab my iPad, my phone or my lap top anytime, I just can't! I dunno to me self. Damn. There's so much going on in and out of my head... There's so much to do but I'm so bummed to do it all... It sucks to be me. How many times have I planned to quit blogging..? Countless. But here I am.. Still blogging. Weird eh?..

Psh. As if someone's reading this? Well I don't care... It's just my effin' way to vent things out. Yeah, whatever... Okay,  just ran out of words to say.. Ciao!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

RIP My Feline Friend, Rain

RIP Rain. May 2, 2012-August 16, 2012 

My cat named Rain died this afternoon... I guess she's the first pet that died in our care.. or so the first one I'll remember...

Rain is the daughter of my original cat MiHo. She was born with three sisters... Her fur like her mom is pure white... And there's this song with a lyrics that goes "I heard her face was WHITE as RAIN"... and I love rain. That's how she got her name... At first, I prefer her siblings over her... Because dirt easily accumulates in her eyes and nose.. But as time goes by, I found myself closer to her than any of the other three... Practically because it's been my hobby to clean her face.
She has this hazel left eye and blue right eye.

She's a sweet little Kitty. My dog Saudia and her always play around. And she's like a squirrel! She loves to jump on people. One time she jumped on me and her nails scratch my thigh! I was so pissed that I managed to throw her away... But after a minute or so.. She went close to me and I can't help but hug her and say sorry for throwing her. Yeah she's sweet like that.

I feel like I'm an irresponsible pet owner. I left her. ToT She was vomiting since yesterday morning.. But I just let her be like that I thought that she'll be ok like her mom... But I though wrong. TToTT This noon I came home and find her in a pitiful state. She can barely move..  When you look at her you'll thought that she's dead if not only for her ragged breathing you'll not think that she's still alive... I made her eat sugar and she responded. I talked to her and ask her to wait for me... Because I'll just buy her meds... When I came back she's still there. She waited for me... I made her drink the medicine that I bought and the hydrate solution that I made... Then I left her again... For the second time I thought that she'll get through it. I thought that she'll live and be hyper again. And for the second time... I thought wrong. My papa texted me at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon... only to tell me that Rain is dead. I was devastated. I feel so bad for her. And my feeling worsen because I can't give her a decent grave. T___T
Papa said that maybe she's not meant for us. But I hope in her little time, she enjoyed her stay with us. I love her. And I'll definitely miss her. Thank you  and goodbye dear Rain... We love you... We miss you.

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CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez