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Glitter Photos

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wappy ^_______^ he's my new found friend. haha! Hmm... We met last month... April 17, 2012... He took me to places I've never been... Introduced me to people I've never thought I'll be friends with.. He took me away from reality. He brought me to a whole new world.

Yikes! Parang boyfriend ang peg ni Wappy.?! hahaha... Ewan ko ba... I can't seem to get enough of him... HIM tologo?! haha! Ang kulet lang... Di naman ako ganito mag-blog dati... Basta kagagawan din 'to ni Wappy. Nakakaelibs yung mga writers dun. Haha... Frustrated writer din kasi ako... Kaya lang I prefer to be a full time reader... Mas gusto ko kasing magpadala sa ibang lugar kesa magdala ng iba sa ibang lugar. Anudaw?! haha! Ang gulo lang... Basta magulo talaga... Bakit ba?! ^__^v Tsaka isa pa... Natatakot ako... Baka kasi di nako makabalik sa reality 'pag naging writer akooo... Hala?! Baliw lang diba?!?

So, how did we meet? Hmm... I'm not a reader... I mean, I'm a no book worm... Except when ot comes to Harry Potter series though... That's the first ever series that I've read and enjoyed... Okay... Enough about HP... If I don't stop this, this post will be about HP throughout... hahaha!! I met Wappy because of the story "She's Dating the Gangster"... I've been hearing that title/phrase for years...But time won't permit me to search about it... I've started reading it like a year ago, but... Wappy and I didn't quite cliqued on the first time we met... Then one bored afternoon of April 2012... Our path crossed again... This time... I knew it... I fall for him hard. ~^o^~ After I finish reading the first story overnight, I didn't stop reading other stories anymore...

I don't know whether it was a good thing or not... But Wappy is the only one I held onto when I lost my baby 4s... Maybe it's safe to say that he shifts my mind to other things and complications than my own. Though he's also distracting me... For a week of review... I have been reading stories instead of listening to the reviewer. He never fails to put me to sleep.. Sheeze! haha! Srsly... I sound like I'm in love with Wappy! haha!

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Friday, May 18, 2012

A Week of Mourning

"How many times do I have to tell you that you should stop being so generous by giving your phone away?"
-Myself to me

Ang weird ko ever! hahaha!!! Hay. So, it's been a week huh..? One week had passed since the worst day of my existence... May 11, 2012... The day I felt so naive, gullible, stupid and foolish.. All of that I felt in one day... Terrible.. Terrible day indeed. I hate that feeling. Geez! So.. What happened? I lost my four month old baby... My iPhone 4S.. I lost a part of my soul.. Because that isn't just a phone for me... That was a big part of me... But it's gone.. All because I'm a big damn fool.. I won't go into details.. I don't want to remember it in details... It's too tragic.

"Everything happens for a reason."

That's the only phrase I held onto... I loved that phone... As I've said it wasn't just a phone... It wasn't just another gadget... Pampered nga yun eh.. Sobrang mahal ko yun! Pero wala eh.. Ang tanga ko kasi to the nth power! Sobrang miss na miss ko na nga sya eh... But I can't do anything anymore.. What's done is done.. What's lost is gone. My four months with my baby is priceless. Maybe I sound so materialistic... I don't care. But there's always more to me than meets the eye.. That phone was a gift... It's the only thing that made my last birthday special.

So yeah.. It's been a week... I've been coping... But not recovering.. Mas lalo pa yata akong naging anti-social... Di nako nagfe-facebook or Twitter... Ewan ko.. Ayoko n dito sa earth... Or should I say dito sa reality... Kasi... Ang daming manloloko.. Nakakatakot nang magtiwala at tumulong... Kaya ayun.. Napadpad ako sa mundo ni WaPpy.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Unnecessary Post

I don't know how to start off with this... It is truly unnecessary. Well, it's sole purpose was to greet my mama a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY... Though I've greeted her already... This is our 4th celebration of mother's day that we're apart... Four years... Jeez! It felt like forever... I don't know how I'm able to live those four years of my life away from her... All I know is that I never felt completely happy... Yes I might be laughing, enduring and living... But the contentment is never here in my heart. I miss her so bad that I feel lonely whenever Mother's Day is around the corner... I wanna hug her and kiss her and just be with her. Well, I felt that everyday actually.

There won't be enough words to express how grateful I am to have you as my MAMA.

All that I am.. I owe to you.

You've done a great job raising me and my brother.. I salute you for enduring all the heart aches you feel in order to provide everything that we need. 

You never pushed us so hard just to excel the way you want us to... Instead, you let us choose the path that we want and gave us love, care and support.Thank you for being proud of whatever it is we can and choose to be. 

There's a lot more to say.. But let the silence within our hearts fill it in.


You'll always be my exceptionally ordinary mother. ~MOTHER'S DAY 2011 
I don't know why spend a day celebrating their day... For me, everyday is MOTHER'S DAY... Everyday I love her, everyday I care for her, everyday I remember her, everyday I respect her, everyday I salute her, everyday I'm grateful for and to her, everyday all of the MOTHERS around the world should be reminded that their presence and love are the greatest possession one can have!


"M" is for the Million things she gave me,
"O" means Only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the Tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her Heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her Eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means Right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"
A word that means the world to me.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


R for ROSE ANN DE GUZMAN... She's my best friend... :) I met her.. Most probably 8 years ago... And well, 8 years ago.. We were nothing but plain strangers... I don't know how it happens.. It just did.. You know that thing they call destiny..? Yeah, I guess our friendship is destined to be. I mean, everything falls into perfect places without exerting that much effort.. Nor trying actually.. Blah blah blah.. Nuf of these cheesy intros... :))

Hahaha!! Well the main purpose of this post is to greet my best friend.. So, hi Rose Ann!! :D yeah that's it.. Byeee!!

Just kidding.. Hahaha!! Well, it's 11:07 on my clock.. (I'm not doing the math!) when the clock strikes midnight it's gonna be her birth day!!! So.. Yeah.. I want to greet her a HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, BIRTH DAY!!! :D (count the word that was repeated nth time... that's how old she is this year... ^_^v)

So.. I'm not actually good in public messages... Or speech.. I mean I hate attention.. That's why I prefer writing a letter/e-mail or sending private messages.. But that's too common nowadays... Greetings in fb are also nonetheless well.. Common. And I don't find it special in any way.. So exerting some efforts won't hurt. Though I know my best friend will be bored with this post.. Hahaha!! I wonder if she'll even read this crap.. But anyhows, I'm still doing it.. Actually I don't have anything to say anymore.. I was just with her yesterday.. And I was just texting her a while ago.. And I just greeted her actually.. But this is my first time making a greeting post.. (So, feel free to feel special my dear best friend.)

Hay! This girl is one of the VIPs in my life... She should know that by now... She's the one who's been beside me all along... But sometimes, I'm getting scared by her presence.. This is what she doesn't know.. Sometimes I found myself too vulnerable in front of her... I'm done being left behind by the people I trust and treasure most... I've had enough of that drama.. And her presence scares me in a way that I think too much... See, I'm definitely not a nice person.. I can be mean as a devil if I want to... I'm not the "best friend" someone will want to be theirs... And there are those particular times that I wonder whether or not she's getting fed up with me... Sometimes I want to ask her when is she planning to leave me behind... I'm paranoid like that... (why does my tears keep falling...?! >_< Dammit!) Oh well! she made me cry as well yesterday... Hahaha!! Haynako Rose Ann!

Whether I need someone to talk, or I just wanna listen, and even just to stay quiet.. She's always been around.. I consider myself lucky to have her as my best friend. I am not a friendly person... But having a few TRUE friends are enough for me.. You don't quite met them everyday right..? :P

To my dear best friend, happy birth day!! I think I said that quite enough huh..? :) And well, thank you... For being what I need you to be when I need you. And for staying amidst my stubborn attitude of "pushing people away.." You're not oblige to stay forever though... But you're welcome to.. :) Just give me a hint if you don't want me anymore... Ok not hint, say it in my face.. I mean at least have a decency to say goodbye and don't just leave like everything will go back on how they used to be.. Cause they won't once they're gone.. Aright..? Don't be like those people who are coward to face their decisions.. And thank You as well for being my "map".. I don't have sense of direction! You know that very well.. Haha! Many, many thanks!!

Remember what I told you before..? That I'll always be here for you..? You know that that's full of sincerity ayt..? You can always count on me..ü I wish you everything you wish for... I love you my best friend! Cheers for a long happy life and for the fulfillment of our dreams! :D

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Sweet Treat From My Chilhood

I became productive today! Made some mango cake out of the blue...

Actually I've been dying to make some of this sweet treat since like a week ago when my aunt gave us plenty of sweet ripe mangoes... But then, laziness over powered me.. So anyways, last week's anticipation was fulfilled today! ^__^

Nostalgia runs through my whole being while I was on the process
making this treat...

Way back not so long ago.. When I was child I mean.. That's not so long ago. Holy shizleberry!.. This past few months I tend to always feel old! Darn! I hate it!.. Tch.

So anyway, back to my nostalgic moment... See, I clearly remember how my aunt made this sweet treat from my childhood... And this is one of my favorite.. I'm not a fruity child way back then... Meaning I don't eat fruits... But whenever my aunt will make this mango cake I can't help but eat the mangoes in it of course! Hahaha!! It was fun.. I used to watch her make this sweet treat with my cousin... And we anticipate the moment that it's ready to be eaten! Childhood memories are priceless!

Celebrate Good Times

I have downloaded a BLOGGER app!! This is so freaking cool, fun and awesome in totality!!! I've been posting blog posts through my i.Touch ever since I can remember it.. Then came my i.Phone.. It's been like forever since I wished I can attach pictures with those previous posts.. But I can't find a way.. Then the blogger app came.. And taaadaa!! Instant post on the go with pictures to go as well! It's freaking awesome for real!!! And it calls for a celebration! xoxo 😘


My photo
CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez