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Glitter Photos

Monday, April 22, 2013

Date with Buko

Have you ever had a best friend who always gets on your nerves and gives you entirely no choice but to fight with her? Over and over and over again just because of the same-unexplainable-petty reasons? Well I have one, and much that I wanna kill her most of the times... I love her still from bits to pieces! I'm sweet like that. Hahaha! Ooh.. Perfect song for her: Love the Way You LIE. Peash bebe! hahaha! Why haven't I thought of that until now?! LOL

So.. It's been a while since we hang out together.. You know with just the two of us and such... But last April 18, 2013 we kind of went out on a date... Well not exactly planned date... She just made up with a mess she did to me... Haha! Forgiven...? Fine. Forgotten? Hmmm.. We'll see if I'll be able to. :))

So anyways... It's been what 4 days ago..? And I'm not planning to jolt down everything.. Just you know.. The highlights of it and all. Summary as to book report. Psh. Technical! I miss school!! WAAAAH! Segway. Psh. Whatever! Let's go back to Buko Pandan Date 2013!!!

See I badly want a pink hair dye... So we went to some place she knew that sells some. But. People nowadays... They don't want me to be happy! T__T The pink hair dye is out of fcuknig stock!

Me: (talking to Cza) Sabi mo may pink dito eh!!! >__<
Ate Tindera: (epal much) Meron naman po. Out of stock lang.
Me: (in my head.. MEANIE ME ACTIVATED) Leshe di ikaw kausap ko wag ka sumasabat! >:|

Meanie Me... Wahahaha!! >:)) Sheezenit! Result for my stubbornness and misery to find a pink hair dye?! 2-3 hours of walking and searching for one that will suffice. Haha! I'm a brat..? *roll eyes* Born to be! >:))

Anyhows, it's a good thing we roam around.. Because if not... We will not be able to see the most amazing tarpaulin that I have ever seen in my existence... Ganda ng font eh... Angas ng color combination... Nakalagay??? Di ko na matandaan.. Pero this is the remarkable word: BED SHIT. Yes caps lock! :)) they're selling all sizes of bed sheets yata... Basta something like that! Tapos ayun fail yung spelling nila instead of SHEET... SHIT talaga. Fck. Ang awesome ng moment of laughter naming dalawa nun! :))

That's actually the highlight... Bed shit amputa.. Rawr! Asar much! :)) So yeah we talked over frappuccino just like what we often do since our friendship started.. Talked about these and that.. Itsy bitsies of gossips... Then.. We played BASKET BALL! Well, not really basket ball the sport.. Just the shooting thing at arcades... You know!? Haha! It's been a while since I last do that... Hmm.. Finally? The most unforgettable moment of our date: Fish Ball Craze. I finally satisfied my craving! Hahaha!!! We've seen it all through out the day.. But I keep on passing out because I thought she don't eat stuffs like that... But when we were finally on the street near her house, the temptation gets to me. Besides she said she'll eat along with me.. And, taadaa! We ate fish balls on the street! Yay! Saya-saya!!! :)) She walked me home... Well not really home.. Just until where the bridge is... She walked me to the bridge?.. hmm, whatev. That's how our date ends. :))

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Meeting SGWannabe in Flesh

April 13, 2013
Book launch and fan signing of She's Dating the Gangster at National Book Store Festival Supermall.

It was unexpected. I mean, I really did not plan to go there that day. I read Ate Bianx tweet last Monday (April 8, 2013) about the deets on the said event. I ignored it. Practically because of two reasons: 1st: I don't have anyone to go with 2nd: the venue's far away from home and I suck at commuting and directions.

Then came Saturday... The day of the event. Stuck at home because I just recovered from a two day heavy fever sh!t. I was supposed to rest and regain my strength... But, being the hard headed girl that I am... I did something else. I traveled from Tondo to Alabang! I really don't know what's gotten into me. I suddenly wanna go there... So yeah.. I went there!

I've been an unfaithful best friend because I didn't tag my best friend along with me. Haha! But it wasn't my fault! We've agreed that we'll buy the book TOGETHER.. But she bought it alone for herself... I tried to find myself a copy but... It's out of stock in most bookstores... And they break my heart every time they tell me that they don't have anything for me. :( Then I read Ate Bianx post on her fan page... That there'll be books available at the venue! So I did not think twice... I decided right away that I have to go and buy the book and meet Ate Bianx no matter what.

And in my most fortunate state... I was at the first fan signing event of Miss Bianca Bernardino and together with her is the flesh of her story's protagonist Miss Athena Dizon. ❤ I made bawi din to my bhezzt lovebabe... I asked Ate Bianx to write a little something for her and she did. :) Ate Bianx is so nice and lovely! She's so down to earth as well. :)

But it wasn't easy going there.. Oh the sacrifices I make for my obsession... Haha! I took a cab to get to the venue. That's my easiest way there. And it costs me big bucks. Hay! Why the hell am I born without a sense of direction?! Poor me.. :( Namulubi ako sa taxi! Bwiset! >:(

Then again... It's quite worth it loves! I get to give my favorite author a letter, shook her hand, kissed and hugged her, got a hard copy of my fave story with her signature and a simple touching message. I was totally hooked with SDTG and it really was worth it for me. ❤

I got home safe and sound padin naman... I asked my college best friend to come over to hang out for a bit and she taught me how to get home in a cheaper way. Gosh! The fare that I paid on the way home was not even a quarter of the fare that I had with the cab! Then again.. I'd be lost if I didn't took the cab to get there.. So, yeah. Still worth it.

UPDATE: April 15, 2013

I gave ate Bianx a post card that contains these message:

Hi Ate Bianx!

There's just too much a word can say... And I can't find words to say... Haha! I guess congratulations would be appropriate! :) And thank you of course! For bringing Kenji and Athena to our world! ❤ Keep up the good work, good luck and God bless. ^_____^
"SDTG is my modern Romeo and Juliet minus the protagonists' stupidness. :P"

❤ Lots,

And my penmanship sucks at that post card big time! I wrote it inside the cab on my way to the venue and its not a good thing... It makes my penmanship worse! Though I'm not making an excuse because my penmanship really sucks... But hey! Ate Bianx took a picture of it together with the gorgeous things she had received that day and posted it on her IG and twitter! Looooove! ❤❤❤

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Little Bit Too Much

This is so freaking nonsense.. As ALWAYS! Haha! Geez! I don't know.. My long time BFF dropped by today after her long absence from my life due to her persistent disease that you guys call "romantic relationship". Haha! The EFF. Napaka bitter ko diba?! Psh. Pahingi nga kasi ng ka romantic relationship dyan! LOL.

Ok, let me clear this up... I AM NOT JEALOUS that I don't have a boyfriend of my own. Please! Haha! Yeah fine, I'm jealous. I'm not denying that... But it's mainly because I felt FORGOTTEN and TAKEN FOR GRANTED. Psh. Peste yang mga lalaki na yan... Mang-aagaw ng best friend! Lagi ko na lang nararanasan 'to. And I fcuknig hate it! I'd rather chose to be harmed physically or even be stab in the back (literally and idiomatically) by someone I don't know, than this feeling of being forgotten and LEFT BEHIND by someone whom you considered your best friend.. Who promised you that she's always be around no matter what.. Whom you shared your secrets with. Whom you thought will stick around when no one will even bother to talk... Whom you thought you'll have when the rest of the world turn its back on you. It just sucks you know?

Now, I'm not just talking about my long time BFF here in this post. As I've said lagi ko na lang nararanasan 'to. Haha! Yeah, I know I sound freakishly selfish and possessive and whatever else. I don't care. I can't help but to feel this way eh!

Siguro nga I'm not on the right place to talk bad about the people in love... I don't have the right practically because I've never been into a romantic relationship before. There're just few flirtings and crushes... But no more than that. Sucks to be me huh? I still belong to the NBSB club. Or maybe I'll belong to the NBTD (No Boyfriend Till Death)... Haha! Siguro nga kaya feeling ko forgotten, left behind and taken for granted ako is because I've never really tried to be where they are. Ganun ba kasaya yun? Na talagang yung mundo mo iikot na lang sa kanya hanggang sya na yung maging mismong mundo mo at makalimutan mo yung iba na nasa paligid mo?! Ganun ba kasaya yun? Na kaya mong mabuhay mawala man lahat sa'yo 'wag lang siya?! Siguro... Oo. Katulad sa mga nababasa ko... Laging silang dalawa lang yung nag-e-exist. But this is the real life. Pero katulad padin ng mga kwento, hindi lang naman yung taong karelasyon mo ang kailangan mo para mabuhay ka... May mga ibang characters din dun noh! Sa iba nga mas nakaka-in love pa yung ibang characters kesa sa bida eh. Dito pa kaya sa totoong buhay?! Psh.

Tas eto pa mas nakakainis eh... Eh di kinalimutan ka na nga and such.. Tas pag nasaktan sya... Pag gumuho yung mundo nia... Tatakbo sa'yo... Syempre to the rescue ka. BEST FRIEND ka eh. Tapos after the rants, cursing, cussing and all... Makikipag balikan lang dun sa pesteng mundo nia!? Bad trip to infinity and beyond eh. Sarap sabunutan! Then again... Wla akong karapatang husgahan sila. Hindi naman eh. Nakakairita lng tlga pag ganun. Mukha kang tanga na nagalit dun sa lalaki tas wala lang pala?! Nakaka "What the fck man?!" eh diba?!?

Point? Hmm.. Wala naman... Siguro this is a lesson... Para in the future, 'pag may ka romantic relationship nako... Eh di hindi lang sakanya iikot mundo ko. Or maybe gagayahin ko na lang din sila... I'll fall in love and forget the rest of the world including them. Ganti-ganti din 'pag may time. Diba?! Pero teka.. Tongueina madaming time eh... Wala lang opportunity and PROSPECT. hahahaha!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

To the North! To the North!

I was supposed to write this blog during the first day... But I decided not to because I wanted to focus on enjoying myself together with my friends with this trip. And so here I am blogging while on the road going back home.

On the way there:

Let's go back 3 days ago... 21st day (or night rather) of March 2013... We hit the road going to the 1st region of the Philippines at roughly 10pm. I can't say we're all in a good mood the night we left Manila... There were little misunderstandings on the given description of the trip.

1st: we thought its all just gonna be the six of us... nothing more, nothing less.... Because the description said: "...PRIVATE van."
2nd: the pick-up point. Again, the description said: "...of YOUR CHOICE (ANYWHERE IN METRO MANILA)". Hassle to the nth level! We hailed a cab just to be there in the pick-up point that wasn't even our choice.

But we put all that aside since we're still at our most comfortable state even if there were 3 strangers at our back...

It was a very long ride! But we did have stopovers... And our morning was filled with crisp, cool wind at a bridge, with a sun rising together with a promise that it's gonna be a great day ahead.


Our first stop in the Ilocos region was at Marsha's Delicacies where we grab our mouthful breakfast to fuel our day... Then we headed to Chavit's Baluarte... Which made me so twitter-pated as I saw a total of 5 tigers!!! They made me the 3rd happiest person alive that day... Nope, not the happiest.... Because, I wasn't able to touch them! So near yet so far.... :'(

Anyways, tigers are not the only creature that made my day... There were stags and does which greatly reminds me of Harry Potter... And anything that reminds me of HP is a sure hit for my heart. Oh, geez... Am I suppose to mention all of the animals that I saw there? Woah... I don't know if I remember them all... See, there were ponies (yup the small horses, you know?), reptiles (that disgust the creepy hell out of me... I don't like them really. Well I can tolerate iguanas and turtles.. But snakes and crocs?! I'd rather die.), peacocks, goats/sheeps/rum (i don't really know how to distinguish the three..) then they also have a butterfly garden (that nestled beautiful butterflies and their cycles.) And of course, our newest favorite animal... THE OSTRICH! Note the sarcasm darlings... I've never like that big bird... Hahaha! But an incident made my best friends and I laugh out loud on it... Like literally.. Whenever we mention it... Yup, there is an inside joke on that ostrich sh!t. Haha! I got you curious now ain't I? Hmmm.. Should I share the funny thing here?.. See, we like our things private.... But I swear, it's worth the laugh... So kindly brace yourself from laughing hard. :))

The three of us wanted to have a picture with the ostrich... The ostrich that we chose ain't moving... As in, it's like its immobile or something... So we decided to go in front of it and aim the camera at self-shot mode... The three of us smiled at the camera and as we reviewed the picture taken, we were devastated to find the ostrich missing! And when we looked back into it, it has walked away from us! That unmannered bird! Haha! My best friend said: "di man lang nagpaalam na aalis na pala sya." It's a laughing stock all through out our tour. We decided to label some unmannered people as OSTRICH. Para di masyadong direct... Plus, they'll die in wonder why we call them ostrich... We imagined how someone will react when we call them ostrich... and imaginations are priceless baby! Hahaha!!! >:)

Next stop? The Syquia mansion... The visit at that simple mansion awakens the dreamer inside me. Hearing the phrase "dreams do come true" makes me remember all the things that I was just dreaming before coming all to life... (Like this trip for an instant!) And all the dreams that I have that are yet to come. It's creepy in a good way. Anything that belongs in history pinches my heart a little bit. Always hungry for hidden deets that were not written in any of my history books... It's fun.. Deciphering the past... But it's not a career for me... I'm just a simple... Gossiper.. Well, no scratch that... I barely re-tell the things that I know.... So I'm no gossiper... I'm just a simple... Listener...? Yeah. That's way better. :P

We encountered two tour guide inside the Syquia mansion... The first one talks authoritatively. Do's and don'ts is his thing and after all his reminders he let us lurks unsupervised along the mansion. Then why we're in the "aliping sagigilid's" lair, the second tour guide appears from nowhere and told us that since we are not "alipins" we should roam inside the mansion and not just on the side. I mean, he's like seriously telling us to be offended that we were walking where the alipins had walked. The first tour guide though didn't mention anything about it and he's the one who told us to walk on that side of the house... And I think he (the first tour guide) thought we won't be minding that... I mean, maybe he thought "what you don't know won't hurt you" right? Haha! And please! We're already in the modern times... So practically, why would you mind such? Except maybe you are overly sensitive-stupid-purposely-looking-down-on-others typical kind of person... Let's be honest here, equality in society had been an undying issue ever since... And well, if you're the kind of person who doesn't believe in equality of individuals, I suggest you find the second tour guide when you visit that mansion. Just saying. Haha! And the second tour guide was undeniably... Talkative. He has a lot to say and share. He even told us about the 11 day love story of the late former president Ferdinand Marcos and his wife Imelda. Haha! Now he is the gossiper! :P

We headed to the potter's place afterwards... Sobrang daming palayok! Haha! It greatly reminds me of my childhood... I used to play "lutu-lutuan" using cute little pots from my grams... And those little pots.... Got shattered just like the friendship that I had with my childhood best friend.... Saaaad! :( Kidding. Hahaha! I don't really care right now... I just thought of those pots! Haiisszt! I regret all the days I wasted with her. Psh. And now I'm pissed. Boohoo! >_<

So let's try to talk about pots.... Yes? Well we just basically watch the potters (I'm not talking about Harry or anyone from his kins... Haha!) make their thing.... That is, making pots! It was my first time to see a potter make a pot and it has been my dream to try to make one... But unfortunately it may take A LOT of time for me to make one so I didn't bother. Though I had a chance to take a picture while sitting on a potter's throne and pretended to be the one making the pot. Haha! We also saw the very long "pugon" where the potters bake their pots. Yes they bake it! Or that's just my term haha! Well, you see they put it inside a big oven! So yeah, they bake it. Don't argue with me.. I'll kill you! :))

We had lunch after that and we're midway our first day... Yesh! We're all excited to have a decent sleep... Or the beach front... Or maybe about our planned drinking session in front of the beach!

We headed to the Light House (that I do not know the name... Basta light house!) And it's a bummer because we cannot go to its very top thing... You know where the controller room is... It's effin' locked out. Psh. But the view is to die for... And I felt like flying out! It's fun to be in high places... Seeing down below takes my breath away! Haha!

We continue burning our lunch down by walking under the freaking sunlight to get to the amazing "Kapupurawan Rock Formation"... They are magical... Haha! Basta ask pareng google about it. Actually the only thing I know about them when I was just hearing about them was that they're white... Because the word white in Ilocano dialect is "puraw"... My pap's Ilocano.. Actually both my parents are.. But I do not know how to speak the language.. I only knew that puraw means white because I remember having a white dog when I was a little girl named Puraw. Haha. Wala lang... May masabi lang diba... But hey! They're like icebergs in pictures! Haha! Icebergs that do not melt! Hihi! It's more awesome in the Philippines! :P

We thought we were already drained out and we'll all be checking in at the place where we'll sleep for the night but we thought wrong... We still have one last destination: the windmills! The description says "breath taking windmills" and I remember telling my lovebabe: "pag hindi ako na breath take sa windmills nayan ha..."

So was my breath taken? Actually... Yes. Not because of the view though... But because of the jump shots we've done with the windmills at our background! Hahaha! But in all honesty, they are beautiful. The windmills I mean. Not just because of their structure but basically because of what they do... See, they supply energy! And the electricity in the North is 40% cheaper babe! That's because of them... Wonderful at their existence. Geez! I wanted to be like the windmills... Haha! That's freaking deep.

After we bid our goodbye to those beautiful things called windmills.... We were finally on our way to Polaris (the resort where we stayed for the night).

We chased the sunset loves! And well, we captured it. Just in time before the sun goes down... Nothing beats the shore at sunset. It's... One of the most romantic thing you know... Specially when you're with your lover. Sheeze! My lover... Where art thou?!?? You... Have been missing a lot! You'll get a punishment from me once I found you! I'm not so good at waiting love... Tsk. >_>

We have beds!!! Haha! Actually, we didn't plan to sleep... We have planned a drinking session right?!.. Pero pinagkaitan kami ng yelo!!! Gaahd! So we passed and planned to drink on the beach the next day.. We spent our night... Talking. My two best friends and I... Hahaha... It might be absurd to say that I've missed them because we're often together the past months... But it's different you know? Business talk is different from vacation talks... I mean... Ugh! It's hard to explain... It's just different. Maybe that's what makes our friendship undeniably good. It's business when business and play when play. Gets? No? Then die. Shoo! Stop reading this. Haha!

It's just overwhelming you know... To be with them at times like this... I missed our little talks... You know what we've talked about? Everything. Just plain everything. From politics to ostrich to whatever else. Hahaha! We talk like that you know... Broad topic. Concise POVs... And we're more matured now... Hihihi... But we're not old! Cannot be!!! No effin' way! Haha! I've read something like this from somewhere out there: "the age you met your best friends will always be the age you act when you're with them." Haha! And I guess it's true. :)


We're off to the beach baby! Well, we didn't really enjoyed the beachfront of Polaris the previous night so I'm excited for the beach! Hihihi!..

We've passed by and stopped over the Patapat Viaduct where you can see an amazing view of the sea... And we also stopped by on a water falls beside a road called Paraiso ni Anton.

While we're on our way to the Blue Lagoon... Kuya Rod (I hope I got his name right... Our tour guide/driver on our trip) showed us the the longest zip line they have there... And that's when we realized that our precious magic purse is missing! I thought I still cannot try the zip line... But since we're special precious guest... We managed to get it back! Haha! Talk about connections... LOL. But in all fairness... My heart almost stopped beating with the thought that we lost the money that we worked hard... For nothing. The heart attack that I get!

Blue Lagoon... Was blue! And beautiful. Loved it! And I loved it better at the top view. I flew over it! 'twas a wonderful, magnificent thing! ❤ That's the best part for real! I still can't get over the feeling of flying! See, Hannah's Zip Line is claiming to be the world's longest zip line OVER WATER. And it just feels overwhelmingly awesome to have conquered it... BTW, it was my first time to zip... And I did it the "superman" way! Haha!!! Love it. The wind, the view, the feeling. Geez! It's freaking awesome! I even waved Hi to the people bathing at the sea and they waved back at me! Haha! Yesh! It's freaking good!

Next stop after the beach?... The falls!!! But it takes hard work to saw this beautiful thing... Thirty minutes trekking under the freaking hot Mr. Sun! Plus my annoying slippers... Or feet? Haha! Whatever. Anyway... Hard work pays off! The Kabigan Falls is beautiful and icy cold. Haha! Astonishing piece of nature... It's lovely.

Before we completely head back to where our van was, we stopped over at some stores in the mid way of our way (Huh?) to grab some snack... And my two best friends had a feisty buko drinking contest! All for my buko meat!! Haha! I'm spoiled with them. (Psh. What's new? You're always spoiled with anyone. Brat.) They love me that much... Suck it up. :))

We headed to Laoag City after bathing.... I was knocked out on our way to the city... We all are I guess... Except for my lovebabe.. And all she does was whined about a beautiful view the we had passed where you can see the windmills... Di daw sya nakababa para mag picture dahil tulog kame at walang magpipicture sa kanya... Kuuu! Di pa nagsawa sa windmills eh!

We checked in at Tiffany Hotel and dine at my most favorite diner yet... Macy's Diner... It's love at first sight man! Haha! A time machine back to the 50's! Out of the Philippines and into the North America! The inside of the diner is freaking cute! Then they have a juke box... And it's working! We played Madonna's Like A Virgin and the mood is all set! And the diner is not just about the atmosphere... I also give the food and the service my two thumbs up!

Our planned drinking session was still on a zero progress... We did not do it on the beach because... We chose to enjoy bathing at the see under the sun.. So I thought it's finally about to begin but.... We get out of the hotel to check out the plaza in front of Laoag's Municipal Hall... It's beautifully lit with... Lights. Haha! After checking it out I thought we'll finally be drinking our asses off... Turned out the elders that we're with had been drinking it to half empty already... All we had was a sip in one glass... Which is a kinda good thing because... (I'm sorry lovebabe...) it's disgusting! Tequila + lime juice (margarita sh!t whatever..) Maybe it wasn't just my thing... Well I prefer drinking tequila the way it's suppose to be drank... Body shot!!! Hahaha! Kidding. ;)


We grabbed our breakfast once again and for the last time... At Macy's Diner. I was attached with that diner :( saaaad. But off we go... We're up for an adventure and tours at our last day on the north of my beautiful archipelago.

First stop? Get wild and dirty. Literally. Sand dunes adventure darlings! Kindly be thankful that you were not our 4x4 driver that day. Hahaha! Screamings and shoutings at its finest sweethearts... We've already talked that we won't be trying it out because its just sands and the sun's heat was beyond blazing! So I don't exactly know why we've tried it out. As in no idea... I really didn't insist. Swear. Hahaha! Oh. Yeah... I remember... Czarina wanted to try it out... Parang exciting daw eh... And since I'm so madaling kausap and super mapagbigay... Go lang! Haha! But kidding aside, we actually got almost 50% discount... Well, that's the main reason why we really tried it out. Oy sayang yun ah! Andun na kami eh! Dibaaaa?!.. Hahaha! Frantic ride trip that is! I don't exactly know why we're screaming and shouting at the top of our lungs... Daig pa namin yung mga sumakay ng roller coasters na umiikot pabaliktad eh nakasakay lang naman kame sa likod 4x4 truck.. Hahaha! Well, it was thrilling naman talaga. And the wind blows us up. Charaught! Haha! I'm so maarte in this post ha... Hate this tag-lish, coño sh!t. Pardon me.. I'm so pagod kaya! Hahaha!! I don't know where we are na... And I'm freaking sleepy... Ang creepy dark outside the window pa... Mamaya may lumabas na babaeng nakaputi sa gitna ng daan... Just like those freaky ghost stories sh!t. Bakit parang lahat ng taong kasama ko tulog na?!? Pati si Manong Driver yata eh!! UWAAAAHHH!!!

Haha! Joke lang... I'm freakishly bored... Gonna sleep for a bit and then I'll continue this... Will freshen up my mind.. XxoO

April 2013

YAAAAH! It's been 2 weeks and still I'm not yet done writing this huh? Bad, lazy me... Anyways.. Let's continue this. Yes? :))

So, after our wild sand dunes adventure... We headed to the Malacañang of the North. Well, basically that's where the Marcoses lived. It was their former house. Well, I don't know if its still theirs or whoever owns it now, I didn't asked. :P I loved the interior, and the location of that house.

Then we dropped by at the Marcos Museum and Mausoleum. We're effin' thirsty.. We bought some buko juice and refreshen up ourselves a bit. Why does buko tastes so good?! haha! Too bad we cannot take pictures inside where the remains of the former president lies. It has been.. My dream to see the remains of the former late president... I don't know why... I guess he just inspires me so much. Or basically because my mama told me that he is the best president that our country ever had. So put all the bad issues about him aside... I think he's a great person in spite of all those negative comments people have about him. Politics is politics and I do not intend to discuss any of it here in my blog. I hate that world. Politics is a chaotic sh!t that I wouldn't dare mingle with. Disciplinarian as he is.. For me he was a true great leader who only thinks of this country's prosperity. And he's also a lover by the way... I'll never forget the 11 day love story that I've learned about him and his wife. :)

We headed to Paoay Church right after that... Correct me if I'm wrong but Paoay Church is one of the oldest church in the Philippines. Well it's famous for its structure. It's my first time to visit that church... So, one wish for me! :)

Empanada tasting time! Of course... It's one of the most famous delicacies of the North... We cannot not try it once we're there. We had the joy of watching the Kuya how to make the famous empanada. CAUTION: Hot!!! Haha! It's best eaten when it's freshly out of the fryer.

We took our lunch and then dropped by on our last stop at Laoag... And that is... Juan Luna's house. I don't know if it has a specific name though... I forgot already. So to put it in a nutshell, it wasn't the original structure anymore. It was said that it was burnt down to ashes and was just rebuild by the former First Lady Marcos. The painter's lair was full of rich history. I love listening to the tour guide's infos... It feels awesome deciphering the paintings... And meddling and looking back on the painter's tragic yet worthy life had been interesting for me. There are vampires on the famous painting Spoliarium! Haha! I always want a painter friend. Maybe JuanLuna was my friend on my past life... They said he was close to the kings and queens of those times... Hmm.. Maybe I was one of his queen friend. LoL.

We headed back to Vigan afterward.. I was personally excited to walk on the streets of Vigan Heritage Site where the old Spanish houses are located. But before we proceed there, we dropped by at the Vigan Church where the cutesy Bell Tower is. Second wish in one day babe! Haha! Plus a chance to get up close and personal with the bells up the tower! Haha! Yup! We climbed up Hunchback's lair! And it's lovely up there! And I being the lovely-unafraid-adventurous-crazy me enjoys the freaking view! Oh the feeling of being on top! Ako ang babaeng walang lula! Haha! Those other tourists up there with us were all afraid that I might fall off or something. Haha! It's epic! Sila yung nalulula for me! Geez! I overheard one saying "Grabe. Hindi siguro siya nagkakape!" Haha! I felt like LOLing on that statement and tell her that: "Oh sweetie, I bleed caffeine!" But I did not... I don't talk to some random strangers you know. :P HAHAHA.

Finally! We're on our last stop! WAAAAH! Ayaw ko pa umuwi nun time na yun... :( I fell in love with the North peeps! Shems. It's friggin beeeyoootifuuuul! WAAAAHH! Gusto ko bumalik dun! Now na! Haha!

Anyways, highways, subways and whatever other ways... After some stopovers on the way to buy pasalubongs... the heart warming free taste of macaroons and all.. I finally walked on the streets of Vigan! Yes baby! That's an achievement. I love vintage. And I always wanted to walk there. Haha! Sunset at Kalye Crisologo! Well, I have a thing for sunset.. Ob-vious-ly. Yay! There's this always longing and wondering inside of me of how would it feel to walk on that street of the past and live those buried rich histories to life.

Oh yeah, I fcuknig remember the ice cream cart that ran out of cones! Sheezenit!

Dear Manong Sorbetero...
Please stock up your cones properly.
Me who felt deprived of happiness because there's no ice cream for me. :(

Haha! Promise nakakalungkot yun! Amp. But the indigo colored sky takes the disappointment away. Indigo. :") Sheeze, my best friends would think otherwise of it... Haha! Tch. It's not what you guys think! No! Haha! It's my NSN's newest album kaya! Blah. Whatever. Why am I so defensive?! Psh. Bummer! >_< Wahahaha! :))

Hmm.. So after walking through the beautiful street, we took our dinner and make up with my ice cream craze... But in all unfortunate, tragic state... Being the immature kid that I am... I got ice cream on my dress before I finished eating it. Yikes ba? Hmmm... Batok you like?? Haha! I'm clumsy like that. Bata pako eh! :)) Soooo... Since I'm so disgusted with me self... I washed my clothes inside a fast food chain's (Greenwich! di na lang lasagna love ko sa kanila! haha!) restroom. Good thing they have a decent one and their customers are too busy eating to even bother going to their restroom. Hahaha!! So good job! My dress is as good as brand new!

My heart was left in Vigan... May gwapo kasi akong nakita. Charaught! Hahaha! But hey! I really enjoyed this trip with my two BFFs. I hope we can explore the whole archipelago together! Yesh! Haha! Pero malabo... Nagsasawa nako sa kanila... Lagi na lang sila kasama ko! Haha! Actually it's the other way around.. LOL. Nakakasawa kaya akong kasama! All my tantrums and such... Hahahaha!!! Pero wala nang magcha-chaga (arte ng spelling?! Haha!) sakin tulad nila... Ayyiiie! Haha! So...

Dear future lover...
Please be good friends with my best friends. They've been taking good care of me while you're lost in your way finding me. Do you suck at directions like I do? Why are you so maatagaaal?!.. You'll really receive a heart ripping punishment from me once you found me! Hahaha!! And you... Can't replace them in my heart darling... You can't take me away from them. Araso? Saranghae! ❤
Running out of patience waiting for you!

Dear lovebabe and buko...
Saranghae... Unjaena.. Youngwonhee! Haha! Senyo ko nlng muna yan sasabihin. I know we don't believe in forever... But I wanna be your friend for this whole lifetime! Mianhae... For being so sensitive at times (or always?!.. Haha!) Well, let's be honest here... I'm not really sorry darlings... I mean, it's who I am. And I'll never be sorry for who I am and you love me as me right? But, what I'm sorry for is if (and I know its for real and not just "if") in one way or another I'm hurting you because of what I am. That's what I'm truly sorry for loves. Lastly, gomawo. For being my best friend. :") for loving me, for spoiling me, for... everything we had and will have... For our friendship extraordinaire! Haha!
Much love..
-Daniella (AKA lovebabe/pandan) ❤

*saranghae - I love you
*unjaena Youngwonhee -always and forever
*mianhae - I'm sorry
*gomawo - thank you

Pasensya naman sa Hangul fever ko... Eh nakakhawa kasi si SL's Lovebabe.. Yung original. Haha!


My photo
CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez