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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daniel Radcliffe's Birthday

July 23, 2013

It's my love's 24th birth day! Haha! Sesh. I've loved him ever since he was twelve years old... I was nine then... I've been loving him for more than half of my life! He's my only "love at first sight"... Hahaha. Well I was beguiled with the magic that he had on the big screen as the famous boy wizard Harry Potter... Ever since then... He'd become a part of me. I might not know him personally yet.. But I've known him beyond his fame and the characters that he played. He's way more than a great actor for me. He's so much more than how other people sees him. He's the one I'll always choose, the one I'll be willing to fall for, the one who, without second thoughts will I be willing to lose my all with. He's the only one I want. ❤

Don't tell me it's nonsense, impossible and beyond irrational. I knew that already. I don't need anyone else telling me. Call me crazy and I'll take that as a compliment. I love him; and love moves mountain. I firmly believe that we're destined to be together. Our names says it all. *wink*

I'll be his Mrs. Radcliffe... We'll make London and Manila a neighboring cities... How..? Well, we'll figure that out on or own. :P And we'll have to... Sooner rather than later. He wants kids when he turns 30! My goodness gracious me.. I don't even know if I can be a great mom... I mean.. I'm still a baby.. And I don't even know how to take care of myself... How on earth would I take care of a baby?!.. Oh mind you.. He wants babies! Haha. Well.. That'll be six years from now... Not bad huh?.. And I'm pretty sure he'll be a great dad. So, I don't know.... Why are we talking about my future family?!.. Sesh. I'm totally losing it. Hahaha.

There had been rumors about him kissing his co-star at a party... Well, rumors about him hurts me every time... But I don't quite care whoever else it is that he kisses. So as long as he's mine to keep. Pressured much. I need to see him. I need him to love me as much as I love him. Hahaha.

Happy birthday Dan! I love you to bits and pieces, to hell and back and even to to the heavens up above. ❤

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CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez