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Thursday, April 10, 2014

"New is always better." -Barney Stinson

Wow. I just re-read my first ever post in this blog... Dated June 11, 2010. Three years and 10 months later comes this... My last ever post in this blog.

"Maybe its not about the HAPPY ENDING, maybe its about the STORY." 

Oh goddamn hell! I hate goodbye the most! Well, this isn't goodbye... I just feel like all the things I've written in this blog is now in the past and I can't cling on them anymore... The only reason I'm not deleting you is that I believe looking back once in a while is a fulfillment for my future self. Which reminds me of my ever favorite line from Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl TV series: "To deny one's past is to deny one's self."; I don't want to deny anything that I felt at one point in my life because I felt it and me blogging about it means that it means a lot that I felt it.

This will be my last post in this blog... Or maybe not?.. I dunno, depends on my mood. But I seriously wanna close this. I have a new one though... And here's to hoping I manage those new blogs!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Life... Is Way Overrated.

Hmmm... Seemingly fitted title eh? Geez. I'm bored. Can someone just sprung out from out of nowhere and change the way I'm living please??... Yep. This is it. Another lame post. Hello to anyone who'll ever read this. Read at your own risk? Yeah whatev... I'm done with sh!tty intros. :P

So... As per my request... I really do hope someone can change my life. Well, I can change it on my own yes... But, that wouldn't much of a story would it?.. Haha. Let's try to look at some of my favorite literary pieces.. I'm not the classic type, so no I refuse to call my list boring. I'm not saying that classic lits are indeed boring... I just, I find them... Mind-numbing. So yeah it's just me... Don't go harsh on my opinion sweetums.. Why am I even explaining?!.. Guilty much. Ha! I did try to read classic literature... Geez... Always fall asleep on the first page. :P

1. Always first on my list.. Harry Potter. Uh..? Need I say why?.. Please it is my childhood. So no I'm not actually explaining. You know how the story starts... If not, then I suggest you get lost. Haha. Well Hagrid came to Harry's life and announced that: "Yer a wizard 'arry." From there the life of an eleven-year old ordinary boy... Had been filled with magic he never knew existed. Harry's life changes completely.

2. Fifty Shades Series. Oh the obsession. The mighty fine love story of Mr. Grey and Miss Steele. Can you just imagine if Anastasia didn't stumble down on Christian's office? If they never met? Where would the pleasurable desires be?.. They have changed each other life... In so many different ways... And that's what I love about this series... The depth of their story. Its not just about the kinky-fuckery... A good reader looks beyond that.. And yes, I am a good reader. This is one of the best love stories ever written that I've read... Not that I read tons anyways. :P So yeah, one day they met unexpectedly and it changed their life... Forever.

3. Vampire Diaries and True Blood. Oh well... Vampires are the creatures I'd never dreamt to dealt with. I never liked them. Until Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) and Eric Northman (Alexander Skaarsgard) happened. I love these two vamp TV series to bits because of those two hot actors. Okay, hot is an understatement. And my mind is currently not functioning too well to think of any other words to suit them both so that will do. Well, Elena's life changed when she met the Salvatore brothers.. Sookie's life stirs up when she met Bill and when she got smitten with Eric... Oh talk about complicated!

4. Fushigi Yuugi... If Miyaka didn't read the book that brought her and her best friend to some other world then she wouldn't met Tamahome... Her life will be... A plain and ordinary one.

5. Devil Beside You. If Qi Yue didn't mistaken Ahmon as her crush... She will end up with a different lover. But what strikes me the most is the part where Ahmon told Qi Yue that even if he hadn't mistaken her they would still meet maybe in the cinema or anywhere else... But they will definitely meet because they are destined to be together.

6. Meteor Garden/Hanayori Dango/Boys Over Flower... Hell yeah. I got hooked with that... Can you just imagine if Shan Cai didn't stood up against F4..? Where would the story be?

Oh my list could go endless! My point is... Can I just meet that someone already?!.. I know.. He's busy in London performing a lead role in a stage play called The Cripple of Inishmaan. Okay.. Great. My mood is busted.

Change. The only thing that's constant. Big word huh?.. As I go on with this list... I realized I've been waiting for that someone  for a very long time already... I'm a sucker for this life. Ugh. Can I just die?.. Hahaha. Just two days ago I found myself thanking God for not giving me a suicidal tendencies. Sheesh. Maybe I'll be dead by now... :P Then tonight the "life event" tab on Facebook got me wondering.... Why didn't they include Death?.. Pft. Hahahaha. I know. Crazy right?.. I actually checked it out... It is a life event.. Isn't it?.. Hahahaha. This is going nowhere.. I wanna sleep. Goodnight. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Erratic Rave

I feel like my 2013 is wearing out too fast... July's about to end! How is this possible?!.. My life had been.. A little bit disoriented over the past months. Hahaha! Sometimes, I don't really know what to do about it... It's quite a good thing I don't have suicidal tendencies. Pft. Hahahaha.

July, July... It's always been my least favorite month... Oh don't ask me why... I don't know either. Haha. Yeah just one of those freaking "me" things... I feel like my heart rode a roller coaster this month... One moment I'm in seventh heaven and next thing I'm in the hidey-hole of blue devils. It's exasperating.

Geez. I'm bored. I don't even know what to talk about. I'm a very private person you know? I don't quite share my raw feeling... To anyone. Yes. I always hold it back... But can you blame me?... It's hard to be real nowadays... People prefer fakes. The society requires a certain degree on faking up yourself. That's why I hate people. :)) I'm sorry no offense meant. Okay let's rephrase that... I hate muggles. I'm a witch y'know?.. Hahaha!

I wanna make this light. I'm dealing with enough hell-raising occurrences already. And I don't quite wanna talk, think and elaborate about them right now.

So what's exactly is there to talk about?.. Honestly? I can't think of anything.. I just wanna do this post.. Uncertain of whatever it is that might slip in my thoughts...

Where am I?.. Haha. In my fave place... Not in my room though. Great. I'm talking nonsense here.. Oh well.. I always do... I mean no! Of corse I'm anything but nonsense. Tch. Whoever disagrees can die now thank you very much.

Then all of you just died. Hahaha. Sesh. Such a cray-cray thing. I need to find something productive to do... Ciao.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daniel Radcliffe's Birthday

July 23, 2013

It's my love's 24th birth day! Haha! Sesh. I've loved him ever since he was twelve years old... I was nine then... I've been loving him for more than half of my life! He's my only "love at first sight"... Hahaha. Well I was beguiled with the magic that he had on the big screen as the famous boy wizard Harry Potter... Ever since then... He'd become a part of me. I might not know him personally yet.. But I've known him beyond his fame and the characters that he played. He's way more than a great actor for me. He's so much more than how other people sees him. He's the one I'll always choose, the one I'll be willing to fall for, the one who, without second thoughts will I be willing to lose my all with. He's the only one I want. ❤

Don't tell me it's nonsense, impossible and beyond irrational. I knew that already. I don't need anyone else telling me. Call me crazy and I'll take that as a compliment. I love him; and love moves mountain. I firmly believe that we're destined to be together. Our names says it all. *wink*

I'll be his Mrs. Radcliffe... We'll make London and Manila a neighboring cities... How..? Well, we'll figure that out on or own. :P And we'll have to... Sooner rather than later. He wants kids when he turns 30! My goodness gracious me.. I don't even know if I can be a great mom... I mean.. I'm still a baby.. And I don't even know how to take care of myself... How on earth would I take care of a baby?!.. Oh mind you.. He wants babies! Haha. Well.. That'll be six years from now... Not bad huh?.. And I'm pretty sure he'll be a great dad. So, I don't know.... Why are we talking about my future family?!.. Sesh. I'm totally losing it. Hahaha.

There had been rumors about him kissing his co-star at a party... Well, rumors about him hurts me every time... But I don't quite care whoever else it is that he kisses. So as long as he's mine to keep. Pressured much. I need to see him. I need him to love me as much as I love him. Hahaha.

Happy birthday Dan! I love you to bits and pieces, to hell and back and even to to the heavens up above. ❤

Monday, July 15, 2013

Retreat Message

Howdy my dearest blog! After a loooong writer's block.. Here I am making a post... Well according to my title this is a retreat message... When you do message of course you addressed it to someone... Like a letter... Right?.. So, this one is for someone I met just recently but is already occupying a big space in my heart... I don't know why.. But he is so special to me... :") Yep. He. And no.. We're not romantically inclined (ehem.. madami kasing chismosa sa mundo, inunahan ko lang. haha!) He's my lovebabe's cousin... Which makes him my baby... Okay.. Well, I don't really know where the "baby" thing came from... It just happened... He called me baby and I called him baby. And taadaa!! He's my Baby Tommy ^_^ just mine. Not sharing! I told him I'll kill anyone who'll call him baby or whom he'll call baby... I'm possessive like that. And I'm not kidding. O_o

Retreat Message turned into threat message?!.. Hahaha!! Well, I've told him a lot already... Those mushy retreat messages were sent directly in his cp's inbox while he's asleep... Maybe he'll read this after his retreat already... If he'll ever read it anyway... I mean I'm not expecting him to read this long, boring, nonsensical post... But I'll hate him if he won't read this.. >_< Psh. Hahahaha. Kidding. Well this is a first... I mean I don't have anyone to greet "happy retreat" nowadays... And I haven't post a blog about my other guy friends.. Not that I have a lot of friends anyways... But, the post about my guy best friend is not yet done and this is the first time I'll post a blog for a guy. To sum it all up?.. I just want my baby to feel oh-so-special. :") Haha! It's not even his birthday yet... It's just his retreat for Pete's sake!.. And I'm so not actually aware that it is his retreat today... I was just having an evil conversation with my lovebabe about some great stuff when she suddenly mentioned my baby.. She was like "Retreat nun bukas! Txt mo nga wala kase akong pantxt e" Oh diba?!.. Maka utos si ate wagas?!.. Bangasan ko kaya yun?!.. Chosz! Hahaha! Well.. What else is there to say?.. Yeah here goes my message...

Hi Baby! :)

Feeling so special yet?.. Haha! Well, you should because you are. I love you baby! If it isn't too obvious... I don't know why.. Do I need reasons?!.. Haha. Well I'm the most impulsive person you'll ever meet.. I do what I want to do and there's no stopping me once I start something up... You're my best friend's cousin and I so love that cousin of yours... Even if she actually gets on my nerves at times... Or most of the times I guess.. :)) She's the one who knows me too well and I'm not comfortable to anyone as much as I am with her.. Then I met you.. And your other cousins... And I just feel so welcomed and loved... I've never been so attached to people but with you guys... It's different. I love you all to bits and pieces! But you're my favorite!..❤ Don't tell them I said that... :)) Why didn't we met sooner?!.. Haha! I don't know whether it's the alcohol or whatever else... There's just no denying that we clicked so much when we're all drinking... together. :)

our first picture together ^_^
i so love getting wasted with you
I know we don't know much about each other yet... You'll probably hate me when you find out how freak of a brat I am, how mean can I get and how annoying I can be. Or maybe you'll love me more.. :)) Well, we'll go figure it out.. We have all the time in the world baby. Looking forward for our countless alcohol refill sessions together. Haha!

Uhm..? What else did I miss... Hmm.. Yeah the "thank you" part. Well thank you for having me as your one and only baby... :") I told you already right?.. I'm possessive and I don't do sharing. >:) And since you're my one and only baby as well.. Let's straighten things out... I don't want anyone hurting you... I'll kill anyone who tries to... And you don't want me to be a murderer and end up in jail baby... So you shouldn't let anyone hurt you... It's your retreat and I'm talking about murder... Hahaha!! What I'm really trying to say is that be strong enough to forgive people who'll hurt you because no matter how cautious you are there will always be those people who'll try to get you down... But they can't if you won't let them. Remember that. Aright?.. Well... You have me now and I'm always gonna be here exclusively for you baby..❤ Whether you'll want someone to talk to, someone to listen to you, someone to make you feel better, someone to scold you when you did something really stupid or someone you can do stupid stuffs with... You can always count on me. ;) And just so you know.. There are just too few people that I consider special in my life... And you're obviously one of those few so feel free to feel privileged.

That's it!.. I don't really know how to end this... Hahaha! I so love you baby! Enjoy your time with God. As I've said just surrender everything to Him. He'll know exactly what to do. This isn't actually about me.. This is about how God loves you and how special you are because you're His child. Only God knows how thankful I am that He sent you in my life. ❤

PS: I know you love the color green baby that's why the font color of this post is green. :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Date with Buko

Have you ever had a best friend who always gets on your nerves and gives you entirely no choice but to fight with her? Over and over and over again just because of the same-unexplainable-petty reasons? Well I have one, and much that I wanna kill her most of the times... I love her still from bits to pieces! I'm sweet like that. Hahaha! Ooh.. Perfect song for her: Love the Way You LIE. Peash bebe! hahaha! Why haven't I thought of that until now?! LOL

So.. It's been a while since we hang out together.. You know with just the two of us and such... But last April 18, 2013 we kind of went out on a date... Well not exactly planned date... She just made up with a mess she did to me... Haha! Forgiven...? Fine. Forgotten? Hmmm.. We'll see if I'll be able to. :))

So anyways... It's been what 4 days ago..? And I'm not planning to jolt down everything.. Just you know.. The highlights of it and all. Summary as to book report. Psh. Technical! I miss school!! WAAAAH! Segway. Psh. Whatever! Let's go back to Buko Pandan Date 2013!!!

See I badly want a pink hair dye... So we went to some place she knew that sells some. But. People nowadays... They don't want me to be happy! T__T The pink hair dye is out of fcuknig stock!

Me: (talking to Cza) Sabi mo may pink dito eh!!! >__<
Ate Tindera: (epal much) Meron naman po. Out of stock lang.
Me: (in my head.. MEANIE ME ACTIVATED) Leshe di ikaw kausap ko wag ka sumasabat! >:|

Meanie Me... Wahahaha!! >:)) Sheezenit! Result for my stubbornness and misery to find a pink hair dye?! 2-3 hours of walking and searching for one that will suffice. Haha! I'm a brat..? *roll eyes* Born to be! >:))

Anyhows, it's a good thing we roam around.. Because if not... We will not be able to see the most amazing tarpaulin that I have ever seen in my existence... Ganda ng font eh... Angas ng color combination... Nakalagay??? Di ko na matandaan.. Pero this is the remarkable word: BED SHIT. Yes caps lock! :)) they're selling all sizes of bed sheets yata... Basta something like that! Tapos ayun fail yung spelling nila instead of SHEET... SHIT talaga. Fck. Ang awesome ng moment of laughter naming dalawa nun! :))

That's actually the highlight... Bed shit amputa.. Rawr! Asar much! :)) So yeah we talked over frappuccino just like what we often do since our friendship started.. Talked about these and that.. Itsy bitsies of gossips... Then.. We played BASKET BALL! Well, not really basket ball the sport.. Just the shooting thing at arcades... You know!? Haha! It's been a while since I last do that... Hmm.. Finally? The most unforgettable moment of our date: Fish Ball Craze. I finally satisfied my craving! Hahaha!!! We've seen it all through out the day.. But I keep on passing out because I thought she don't eat stuffs like that... But when we were finally on the street near her house, the temptation gets to me. Besides she said she'll eat along with me.. And, taadaa! We ate fish balls on the street! Yay! Saya-saya!!! :)) She walked me home... Well not really home.. Just until where the bridge is... She walked me to the bridge?.. hmm, whatev. That's how our date ends. :))

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Meeting SGWannabe in Flesh

April 13, 2013
Book launch and fan signing of She's Dating the Gangster at National Book Store Festival Supermall.

It was unexpected. I mean, I really did not plan to go there that day. I read Ate Bianx tweet last Monday (April 8, 2013) about the deets on the said event. I ignored it. Practically because of two reasons: 1st: I don't have anyone to go with 2nd: the venue's far away from home and I suck at commuting and directions.

Then came Saturday... The day of the event. Stuck at home because I just recovered from a two day heavy fever sh!t. I was supposed to rest and regain my strength... But, being the hard headed girl that I am... I did something else. I traveled from Tondo to Alabang! I really don't know what's gotten into me. I suddenly wanna go there... So yeah.. I went there!

I've been an unfaithful best friend because I didn't tag my best friend along with me. Haha! But it wasn't my fault! We've agreed that we'll buy the book TOGETHER.. But she bought it alone for herself... I tried to find myself a copy but... It's out of stock in most bookstores... And they break my heart every time they tell me that they don't have anything for me. :( Then I read Ate Bianx post on her fan page... That there'll be books available at the venue! So I did not think twice... I decided right away that I have to go and buy the book and meet Ate Bianx no matter what.

And in my most fortunate state... I was at the first fan signing event of Miss Bianca Bernardino and together with her is the flesh of her story's protagonist Miss Athena Dizon. ❤ I made bawi din to my bhezzt lovebabe... I asked Ate Bianx to write a little something for her and she did. :) Ate Bianx is so nice and lovely! She's so down to earth as well. :)

But it wasn't easy going there.. Oh the sacrifices I make for my obsession... Haha! I took a cab to get to the venue. That's my easiest way there. And it costs me big bucks. Hay! Why the hell am I born without a sense of direction?! Poor me.. :( Namulubi ako sa taxi! Bwiset! >:(

Then again... It's quite worth it loves! I get to give my favorite author a letter, shook her hand, kissed and hugged her, got a hard copy of my fave story with her signature and a simple touching message. I was totally hooked with SDTG and it really was worth it for me. ❤

I got home safe and sound padin naman... I asked my college best friend to come over to hang out for a bit and she taught me how to get home in a cheaper way. Gosh! The fare that I paid on the way home was not even a quarter of the fare that I had with the cab! Then again.. I'd be lost if I didn't took the cab to get there.. So, yeah. Still worth it.

UPDATE: April 15, 2013

I gave ate Bianx a post card that contains these message:

Hi Ate Bianx!

There's just too much a word can say... And I can't find words to say... Haha! I guess congratulations would be appropriate! :) And thank you of course! For bringing Kenji and Athena to our world! ❤ Keep up the good work, good luck and God bless. ^_____^
"SDTG is my modern Romeo and Juliet minus the protagonists' stupidness. :P"

❤ Lots,

And my penmanship sucks at that post card big time! I wrote it inside the cab on my way to the venue and its not a good thing... It makes my penmanship worse! Though I'm not making an excuse because my penmanship really sucks... But hey! Ate Bianx took a picture of it together with the gorgeous things she had received that day and posted it on her IG and twitter! Looooove! ❤❤❤

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Little Bit Too Much

This is so freaking nonsense.. As ALWAYS! Haha! Geez! I don't know.. My long time BFF dropped by today after her long absence from my life due to her persistent disease that you guys call "romantic relationship". Haha! The EFF. Napaka bitter ko diba?! Psh. Pahingi nga kasi ng ka romantic relationship dyan! LOL.

Ok, let me clear this up... I AM NOT JEALOUS that I don't have a boyfriend of my own. Please! Haha! Yeah fine, I'm jealous. I'm not denying that... But it's mainly because I felt FORGOTTEN and TAKEN FOR GRANTED. Psh. Peste yang mga lalaki na yan... Mang-aagaw ng best friend! Lagi ko na lang nararanasan 'to. And I fcuknig hate it! I'd rather chose to be harmed physically or even be stab in the back (literally and idiomatically) by someone I don't know, than this feeling of being forgotten and LEFT BEHIND by someone whom you considered your best friend.. Who promised you that she's always be around no matter what.. Whom you shared your secrets with. Whom you thought will stick around when no one will even bother to talk... Whom you thought you'll have when the rest of the world turn its back on you. It just sucks you know?

Now, I'm not just talking about my long time BFF here in this post. As I've said lagi ko na lang nararanasan 'to. Haha! Yeah, I know I sound freakishly selfish and possessive and whatever else. I don't care. I can't help but to feel this way eh!

Siguro nga I'm not on the right place to talk bad about the people in love... I don't have the right practically because I've never been into a romantic relationship before. There're just few flirtings and crushes... But no more than that. Sucks to be me huh? I still belong to the NBSB club. Or maybe I'll belong to the NBTD (No Boyfriend Till Death)... Haha! Siguro nga kaya feeling ko forgotten, left behind and taken for granted ako is because I've never really tried to be where they are. Ganun ba kasaya yun? Na talagang yung mundo mo iikot na lang sa kanya hanggang sya na yung maging mismong mundo mo at makalimutan mo yung iba na nasa paligid mo?! Ganun ba kasaya yun? Na kaya mong mabuhay mawala man lahat sa'yo 'wag lang siya?! Siguro... Oo. Katulad sa mga nababasa ko... Laging silang dalawa lang yung nag-e-exist. But this is the real life. Pero katulad padin ng mga kwento, hindi lang naman yung taong karelasyon mo ang kailangan mo para mabuhay ka... May mga ibang characters din dun noh! Sa iba nga mas nakaka-in love pa yung ibang characters kesa sa bida eh. Dito pa kaya sa totoong buhay?! Psh.

Tas eto pa mas nakakainis eh... Eh di kinalimutan ka na nga and such.. Tas pag nasaktan sya... Pag gumuho yung mundo nia... Tatakbo sa'yo... Syempre to the rescue ka. BEST FRIEND ka eh. Tapos after the rants, cursing, cussing and all... Makikipag balikan lang dun sa pesteng mundo nia!? Bad trip to infinity and beyond eh. Sarap sabunutan! Then again... Wla akong karapatang husgahan sila. Hindi naman eh. Nakakairita lng tlga pag ganun. Mukha kang tanga na nagalit dun sa lalaki tas wala lang pala?! Nakaka "What the fck man?!" eh diba?!?

Point? Hmm.. Wala naman... Siguro this is a lesson... Para in the future, 'pag may ka romantic relationship nako... Eh di hindi lang sakanya iikot mundo ko. Or maybe gagayahin ko na lang din sila... I'll fall in love and forget the rest of the world including them. Ganti-ganti din 'pag may time. Diba?! Pero teka.. Tongueina madaming time eh... Wala lang opportunity and PROSPECT. hahahaha!!!


My photo
CAUTION: Too AWESOME to handle. HAHA. Keep calm and read on! :) So, my awesomeness can't be put into words.. hahaha!! Srsly tho.. I'm a little brat girl inside a body of a grown-up lady (ok, not SO lady). ^^, I do anything that pleases me... And I mean ANYTHING, that I feel like to in a moment. Impulsive little minx! HUH. :)) I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i don't care too much about it... xD So yeahh, yeahh.. you can say and think what you want about me or anything else between me and the universe...that's everyone's privilege. :) I just can't give a damn for EVERYONE. My care, patience and attention are all but limited. ;) "i'm not a puzzle nor a problem to be solve... i'm more of an adventure to enjoy and to love." -DVM xo "judge me all you want but keep the verdict to yourself." DANIELLA = God is my judge. Need I say more? ♥ ciao. "Don't ever try to understand me... 'Cause you'll never be able to!.." -Daniella V. Marquez